car teams........

either way you look at it is street racing, and on tnc we dont want any talk of our forum members doing it. keep it to youself and your friends and off the site.

But frankly it dosent sound to belivable as its more of a need for speed type of thing you are “talking” about. private property or not its still illegal street racing. why? because its not at a race track. no pun man but its sounds made up. i have been in the scene for years and i dont know anyone who actually does that other then in the states. or little civic kiddies who are trying to be cool.

PS: no more street racing talk if you do it. we dont want to know.

hows it street racing when its not on the street, and its a two lane proper track, just privately owned by some people. And for your info cops know about it. My bad, i ment undeground as in its covered like a aeroplane hanger.

If you have been in the scene long time thats all good, but having been in the mainstream is different, your thinking what we do is illegal, no its not, its all paperwork done an owned, just like private vip clubs, thats all, just because you don’t see somthing dosen’t mean it dosen’t exisist.

anyways i won’t mention anthing about it further. thanks for the warning.

Hmm this is interesting, but I can’t imagine how it is illegal if its on a privately owned strip of tarmac. Am I missing something?

lol 911 on speed dial. "i’ve already pressed 9 and 1, dont make me push 1 again!

How old are you? You cannot be f*kn serious…
Just to get this straight, your crew is a bunch of rich kids?..

“Stay in school, its cool”


FYI- when you grow up, its all about making decisions and making “things happen”… Guess what, it takes alot of THINKING, obviously something you lack prior to hitting the “submit reply” button…

Jeezzzz, need attention much?

So, if someone dies during the race… Nobody gets charged? Insurance is covering all vehicles?..Cops wont charge someone for murder?

WAKE UP! this is not a video game, this is your life…

Yes, personal liability…
The owner of “said” property will get FUBAR’d, if and when somebody gets injured.

^he said make a move. not make a movie. lol. on a serious note ive heard about this bunch of gay racers that do top speed runs. i cant remember their name 100% but if i remember correctly they’re called the “350z mafia”. "D just kidding guys. you know i luv y’all(not in a gay manner). lol.

p.s. rich is right about being accountable. ive lost one of my teammates from my old hockey team due to street racing. he was catching up to the guy but his lane was about to end so instead of slowing down to pass behind he floored it to try and beat him before the lane merge, the guy never let him through and he flipped his car 5 times.

^oh alex, your so funny! har… :hmm

Are your ready for this season?.. Oh and make sure you don’t blow your engine again trying to impress a 15y/o…

:A "D :smiley:

LMAO. he will, damn alex ur a craddle jumper eh. you like the younge ones… gues they are easier to bullshit. hahha… tssk tssk.

15y/o girl. ill leave the 15 y/o boys for you. lol. are you guys showing up for vlads track day? take me for a rip in the z. hopefully either the gtr or 240sx will be track ready by then.

P.S. just changed from royal purple to mobil 1. :wink: did an oil change yesterday.

i guess who better to be a judge of that then the #1 bullshit artist on TNC. "D lol.

Which vlad?.. alessorfate?

you bought a 240sx?

yup. that vlad.

yes and no. its mine but my gf bought it. pat told me about it and for the price we couldnt pass it up. plus she’ll eventually need a car of her own. its pretty clean for its price and being almost 20yrs old.

  1. Its not a crew, its a bunch of friends who have an interest in a hobby, that we do together and we pay for it, and another thing unlike you we don’t race like idiots on streets and rev in underground CG parking lots trying to be cool, we are 22 to 45 year old males and females, and yes we have money to make a private drag strip for ourselves. The Rich kids we owned were in the beginning of times where 90% we never considered, and the other few joined us because they were good, experianced and mature. And some elder enthusiast saw what we were doing was legit, low key, and fun, and hassle less, so they really became the stepping stones to this unofficial club we have. And yes we do have 911 on speed dial, they know our activities, and so they have an ambulance ready for us in case. We do all the signing of waiver forms, but unlike the track if shit hits the fan, we still all get together help out and pay for damages.

  2. you think your so smart, wtf is the track you go to, its privately owned dumb ***, its mainstream, some guy or company which decided to make money off it, by making it public, and we on the other hand want to keep it for a few, one more thing, we have never had an accident or crash, how many have happened at local tracks with your wanna be drivers? lol.

  3. “RealityZ33” don’t be jealous, about me being 23 and earning more $$$ then you. I’m not a rich punk, I worked my way up.

im not yarning attention, when you reply with jealousy you create and give me attention, im proud of my friends and success so I talk about it, even though I think I have never really mentioned oh im a baller or this that, like 90% of you 350Z owners try to be.

If you really want to see who’s mature, look at the rides, you own a 350Z, I own a G37, now who has less show off and more mature taste?

This doesn’t mean Z are bad, its just like civic boys, majority of 350 owners act ricerish like them in another way.

Again, you should have maybe stayed is school, here Private Property:The right of private persons or firms to obtain,own,control,employ,dispose of, and bequeath land, capital, and other property.Freedom of Choice: Enables owners to employ or dispose of their property and money as they see fit.

If you read things before YOU posted, you would have seen, we don’t allow any ricers like you in the club, we only allow people with RACING experience and boosted cars ABLE to withstand the torture.

Even im on probation period you could say, even though I have enough racing experience on two wheels, im still considered a noob.

is it still street racing if your by your self? … if so i call dibs on begin paul walker … now some one find me a program thats informs me whether my manifold is in danger or not.

blah blah blah thread closed.