Car trends you just don't get

no ones butthurt, you’re just closed-minded :hug


I’m saying wheels that are offset to the point where the rim is on the same distance as the fender is a better look for cars, as practiced by high end manufacturers.

I’m not sure what both of you are arguing.

Wheels that poke is a new thing, they require extreme camber and rolled tires to fit, which is not everybody’s cup of tea.

I don’t know what I’m saying because I don’t know what I’m arguing about :rofl

Most people that say “zomg dat rueinz da karz handling” don’t realize that by spinning the coilovers up 3/4" and changing wheels that X car would mop their car up (350Z, S2000, whatever). People that own one set of wheels/tires to look good, autoX and/or drag race blow my mind (out of choice, not out of inability to afford more than one set of wheels :lol)

And fuck haters for the most part (unless you’re hating on posers who only do what other people tell them to do like slwrthnu said).

Do what you want, not what others want you to do.

What if you want to do what others do :ponder

Fuck off, Socrates.

Yours and Elliots argument is retarded honestly because of the clauses you put in there, it’s an all or nothing game. Either everybody does the same, or everybody does whatever they want and you don’t hate either way.

If you say that people can do whatever they want EXCEPT one thing or another, you contradict yourself.

Problem is the trend is only cool if others like it and approve of it, but if they do, they will mimic it, it’s that simple.

If the trend is only cool to you and others hate it, then everybody else (being us) will call it silly/goofy/dumb IE ricers, donkers, draggers etc.

You either except all, or none, otherwise you contradict yourself.

I see what you’re saying and therefore say fuck this whole argument :rofl I’m going to do what I like to my hwhips and applaud or make fun of other people’s rides when I feel like it and everyone else should do the same. Boom. :smiley:




I dont like any roof/bike rack. Functional or not.

Also all these car scene guys that say OEM is best :facepalm

+rep Mark!

rusted / ski rack


I just dont get why they are all so fucking fast

haha :lol

high HP in a tin can= rocketship

or death trap

depends how you look at it!

I know moneymike scared me shitless in his old red coupe doing something like 160+. I was holding on to the rollbar for dear life LOL

Wow, looks like I struck a nerve. Good :slight_smile:

Definitely wasn’t me with the “Spec 5” quote, but when I bought my car the dude pitching it told me it was a Sentra Spec 5 V-Tech… I thought that was funny.

I did say I have respect for clean Hondas. I see some on here that impress me, but every time I’m just out driving with my son or something, it’s always some faggot with a beat up shitbox Civic with a fart can and altezzas that tries fucking with me.

also, what’s the deal with fat girls in short shorts like above. you should only ride them in the dark, and without anyone seeing you.

yeah i dont get that…what do you do when that surface rust turns into rot? that is a complete waste of a possibly clean (at one point) shell

and if anyone touches your car or you give someone a ride there is a 90% chance you both would be covered in shit

my new ride was 500.00 and im happy you ant balling unless you are cheap
my goal is to make it slammed clean and reliable with a little motor freshening

things people do i dont understand thats like a trend using 87 octane gas in a car that takes 91 or higher factory so unless you are a baller dont spend 500 on your lease if you cant afford the fuel. for example i know someone that bought a bmw and complains on the price of 87 lol so feed your car change your dam oil with synthetic dont drive with wire sticking out your tires and remember you are recognized by not what your car looks like or is made by its the dum ass look on ur face when u cant figure out how put antifreeze in ur car when ur on the side of the road broken down !