Car wont start..

starting to sound like a masive wiring nightmare

yessir, im going to return the parts to my buddy i borrowed and pretty much give up. I know shit about wireing. Best idea would to buy a junk mk3 and swap over the wireing…ha

Does the car do anything at all when you turn the key? does it try to even want to start or is it COMPLETELY dead?

it cranks,cranks,cranks. Thats it. Then when i let off the key it makes little queefing noise (best i can describe it ha)… If i hold the gas to the floor, while its cranking and i let off cranking but keep my foot to the floor it makes a loud queef noise… Thats my update, im really fedup with this car… what sucks is i have a loan on it so i cant even take it off the road and pick up a beater while i fix it…

if i was to call my insurance and say the motor is blown/car is shot… Can i take coverage off the car, or at least lower it so its not full coverage?? Im guessing not and im stuck paying for the insurance monthly… What can i do…??

Your options are pretty limited as far getting it off the road I think. I’m not sure how you are for cash but maybe you should consider taking it to a shop. Whenever I wasn’t able to fix my car the couple of times I couldn’t figure it out, I brought it to Autobahn in Albany by the Albany Co-Op. The guy who runs the shop his name is Greg and really knows his stuff. I don’t have his number on hand but they should be listed in the phone book. He’s not as expensive as a VW dealer either.

Good luck!

i hate to say it man but maybe it skipped time

going to check my timing tonight, if thats good then the only other peice i wouldnt have swapped would be a distributer. Ill try one of those if timing is good, if that fails then i dont know what im going to do… id rather not take it to a shop, ive already poured enough money into it as it is…

im trying to help bro lol…good luck with the distributer and let us know

thanks, i appreciate all the help man. I wish i knew more… Why couldnt it just be a blown motor, then i could just swap it out and be done with it… Or a cracked coil…jeeez something!

well lets just hope it didnt skip time and whip the head out :nono

timing is ON THE MONEY… now what?

It won’t always fuck things up by jumping timing, The RSX my dad just built, the timing chain jumped and it was perfectly fine…just needed a timing chain.

yah this car is the same way. 8V’s are known for being able to blow the belt and 99% of the time being undamaged

ok heres and update. Swapped out the distributer, car started and runs! Took it for a spin, if i go to give it gas it bogs down and dies (unless i let off, then it catches it self and doesnt die). It did this the last time i started up and ran for a week, but i swapped the fuel filter and it didnt do it anymore so i thought it was that. Also could be i put the dizzy in a little off, first time swapping one. Ive got a LOT of work ahead of me putting everything back together. Need to pick up a new distributer, pulleys to get rid of AC and maybe PS as well, rain trays and then put in all these parts (maintenance crap) ive got laying around. Might as well do it now with the front end off. Just want to get the car running 100% first…

the motor would be fine even if it jumped timing. 1 camshaft= non-interference motor.

make sure the ignition timing is correct now. you can adjust by loosening the 1 bolt and spinning the dizzy.

when i spin the case and hold the gear on my spare dizzy it doesnt move the gear, just the case spins… So im guessing it wont do much for timing? Its got a CEL which is good, but i have no front end so driving places is out of the question…Gotta get ahold of my buddy danny to vagcom this bitch…

You don’t necessarily need a vag-com to determine the problem. I have a generic OBD II scanner that I picked up from Advanced Auto years ago and whenever I had a problem, I was always able to determine the issue I was having with it.

oh i know, but VAGCOM is more specific/detailed than the generic one at advanced. If i can get some lights on ill scoot to advance and have cossey hook me up…

True, but even if you get a code number to pop up you can hop right on Vortex and type in the code number under the search tool bar and something will come up. Good luck!

dude gl sorry