carb rebuild kit/jetting

for an 85 cr125 anyone know where i might find one? been looking on the net and can’t find anything, closest i could find was on a 125cc 3-wheeler (2 stroke) but i’m not sure if it would work with it tho

…more specifically what? jets/needle themselves? the carb slide? jets will be down at your local dealer. no problem there. parts for the carb, such as slide and float might be a bitch, but i bet a honda dealer can get them. i tried a quick search, but didnt find anything.

i can get the float, me n tony have been workin on the bike and he said the carb needs rebuilt (all he said) so i dunno what all u get when you rebuild one i’m not a carb guy…

hmm. alot of times the throttle slide will wear and need replaced. that might be something. i did it a few years back on my 88 250r quad. it came w/ the spring and everything. got that through a dealer. the jets/needle can be picked up anywhere (dealer-wise). just yank them out and bring them to the dealer w/ u and they can match them. if u already have the floats and such, there isnt much left, really. while u have it apart, definatly spray some cleaner through there. maybe Eurodad has some tips.

needle and seat and gaskets. that’s probaly all you’ll need. unless the floats are broke or filled with fuel there fine. i bet the slide is fine also. what is the bike doing?

boggin pretty bad when u crack it, lack of power (i know its old but it’s really missing something) mostly low end stuff

does it bog only at full throttle? does it bog if you slowly roll the throttle on?
if you crack it open and it bogs then revs, your pilot is wrong. if it bogs only when wide open, probably your main jet is plugged. i could type a whole page on what it is or could be. i need more details on the way it acts. if you crackit open and it bogs, will it stall or does it eventually rev out or does it stay running but won’t rev out?

i only got to ride it 5 min before i had to leave for connecticut what it was doing to me was u’d crack it and it would stall (or try to) let off and crack it again it would start movin alright

it probably just needs a good cleaning. you can do it without changing and parts. it’s real easy. if you can work on a dsm than you surely can pull a carb apart and clean it.

dsm fuel injection is nothing compared to a carb with a needle in it :stuck_out_tongue: but if u think it just needs cleaning are there gaskets and shit i gotta track down for when i tear it apart?

there should only be one gasket. it will be on the float bowl.remove all vent lines, remove the 4 screws from the bowl. try to hold the carb upright when your pulling it apart. that way you can see what is in the float bowl when you pull it off. look for shit in the bottom. if there’s alot of crap in there you should drain the tank and flush it out. filter the gas before putting it back in.or if your lazy just put an inline filter between the tank and carb. now there is a pin holding the float in. push it out, look at how the needle is attatched.(it’s not really any think like a needle. it probably 3/8- 1/2" long and 3/16-1/4" round) remove the float and needlle. now, the main jet will/ should have a hex head, probably 6mm remove it. the pilot jet will require a flat screw driver. remove it. try removing the choke. it’s not really neccasary but if it comes out easily do it. remove the air screw. now just clean every thing inside an outside including all orifices. if you have an air compressor use an air gun also. now just put it back together. make sure the holes on the main jet and pilot jet are all opened up. the pilot jet may have more than one.if you didn’t have the airscrew set right before tset it at 2 1/2 turns out.once the bike is started and warmed up, set the idle. no slowly turn the air screw in or out till you find the highest idle speed. then reset your idle. now it should run decent.

well put. chances r that thing needs cleaned.

if it sat around for a while without being ridden and the fuel tank wanst drained, then im sure its gummed up to all fucking hell. My brothers XR80 sat for about 2 years with a tank full of gas and when I tore apart the carb it was horrid. Gummed up to all hell. I cant believe it started. I’d rip it apart and blast it to all hell with carb cleaner before sinking any money into it.

it sat for about 6 months with gas in it which we drained out, yeah the gas wasn’t the best of colors when we drained it but it did fire up when i picked it up with the gas that was in it. that’s not hte gas that’s in it now tho. i was under the impression tony did take the carb apart and hit it with carb cleaner (while i’ve been in connecticut) but he just hit it without taking it apart so it helped a lil but that’s prob where most of our problem is. the other problem i know of is the plug which i have another of but havn’egt been home to change it.

as for sinking money the kits i was finding for 125cc quads and 3 wheelers were only 14 bux so i figurd if that’s all the more they were it’d be worth it either way. but i still cna’t find a kit for that carb