Career choices ITT

RailTerm out of Canada. An engineer I used to work with was good friends with the guy that runs that office in Selkirk, I should’ve applied for a dispatching position there lol.

1,000 a week is a 1,000 a week - more than I can make working at McDonalds for 8 hours a day haha. Stick it out for a few years and work your way up and you can easily be 6 figures or close to it with little or no college. Not many jobs will pay $37/hr out of the gate to start with tons of benefits and a healthy retirement.

Says who at 60 I won’t be into cars anymore!? Of course i’m not going to be able to play sports like I did when i’m the age I am now but if I practice good habits and take care of myself I can bet you my last dollar I will still be skiing when i’m 60, still sucking at golf but having a fun time doing it, and probably having some sort of nice sports car.

Maybe they wouldn’t exactly be homeless but they certainly wouldn’t be in a good situation. They more then certainly would be on Medicaid and that basically gives you enough to barely get by which in turns into poor nursing care and aid.

And bottom line; its steady employment - for the most part.

THIS. I mentioned it before and I’ll say it again, the rail road is one of the very few careers you can get into with no college education and make $50,000 your first year. Any kid fresh out of college would jump at a salary like that. I imagine anyone that can pass a drug test and adjust to working a crazy work schedule that truly needed a job to support themselves or a family would be crazy if they turned it down.

School isn’t for everyone and at the time I thought it wasn’t for me either but I do know now how incredibly important education is, especially in today’s economy.

I hear and see both sides of the retire @60 argument.

My father is 50 something and skiis with his friends 40+ times a year, as hard as I do when I get out on the snow. He just bought a sick ass CF road bike and I bet can out ride me. Hes stronger than me. And is just bad ass. He also has some older friends he skiis with, one lady was 6X irc and BLASTED past me on some bump trails when i stopped for a breather and even through glades, fuckin unbelievable.

BUT, thats not going to be me I 110% guarantee that unfortunately. Unless I get some major surgeries to fix my body. Infact this year I am rather sure i tore my ACL and/or MCL on my left knee (making appts for this soon actually) and I cant ski. last year it was bad and i made it a half day skiing like I usually do jibbing trails and messing around in the park. Right shoulder is torn up good too and pops out too easily if hit hard. had atleast one broken collar bone that was never treated and is out of alignment if you will (can see the bone deflection when I have my shirt off). Those are the 2 worst things I have to deal with asap.

While I can still ride a MX bike as hard as i ever could, I fear the crashes, becasue I know if its to my right shoulder or left leg… I am fucked.

KK votes for work to live, not live to work. Retirement AKA 10-20 hr work weeks, money banked and being happy till I die I want to start around 40.

i almost went up there a year ago to do just that. I think id go nuts (no pun intended) being in a state where its mostly single men :lol

The President of my firm just retired two years ago at the age of 79, and realistically he only did it because his wife was bugging the shit out of him to spend more time with her. I see myself in those shoes, having to be dragged into retirement. The bulk of my work is social and isn’t really “work” and I get to spend my days making a shitload of money exerting influence over matters that effect everybody elses daily lives. But if I wasn’t doing that I’d be a cowboy.


the point here is that you LOVE your job. Most of the guys that are working just for the benefits/retirement DONT. I love my job as well, I get to buy and sell cool shit, never have to buy retail, meet insanely hot women that come in and sell there shit and all I do is sit in my back room and either lay on the couch and watch movies or go on the computer until the door rings that someones coming in… If I wanna take off I take off, if I wanna sleep in I sleep in. If I wanna close up early I close up early.

You GOTTA love what you do.

i went to modern welding school 2 years ago it was a good school i learned alot went from never welding in my life to welding for a living my good luck with school and if john makey is still there he knows his shit and ask him about his skull collection

Truthfully, I wish my business was still what it was 2 years ago before my business partner decided to dump everything. We were on the fast track to being a net $1 mil/year business by our third year, and just as all the big things were happening he decided he wanted out and took out our support on his way out the door.

The year following that was very hard, I went from making very good money, having a ton of toys, nice cars, etc, to working at a gas station and driving a 90’s rusted out Jeep.

Point is, I kept my head up, stayed positive and worked my ass off. Now, I have a job that I can honestly say I love coming into every day. $50/k plus a year starting out, full benefits, with an additional $10-20/k year coming from some of the clients I kept from the other business. I have a son on the way and an awesome g/f. I couldn’t be happier.

Where we are in life is a direct result of where we want to be. If you are in a shitty situation but do nothing to change it, don’t expect it to get better. If you want more, and have the right personality, you’ll get it.

car dept FTW. and congrats on your dispatching job. i concidered putting in for it, but going a different route right now. how long will you be down at school? ATL? im heading down for a week in March for a class.

nothing wrong with railroad jobs. pay is good, reliable(selkirk is one of the biggest yards in the country itll be there forever), good benifits. im happy enough that ill never leave.

i dont make $10,000 a week like love4boost but i do pretty good.

KBB- we just had a guy move from VT to work with us. hired on in the car dept. he worked for some private railroad up there or something.

Thanks man! I’ll be down there for 10 weeks.

What was your business??


ok, i arrive monday 3/13 staying until that friday. we should get together down there.

Makes me really happy to hear that. Im taking course 6, 10 and a half months. Pretty excited.

Love my job. If I could go back knowing what job Id end up having I wouldnt of wasted my time with college. I got very lucky though, I dont even have a high school diploma and Im hoping by 2013 ill be making 65k+ a year and hopefully 6 figures+ by 2015.

Meteorologist, without question.

Then why do you buy chinsy wheels for your expensive car? :rofl

Pwned by the noob.