Carfax Sucks

I am not one to rant, but carfax really fucked me over.
I am currently selling my Stratus. I thought i had a pretty interested buyer, until he asked me for the VIN# to run a CF on it. He came back to me and said “Your price is too for a car that has had THREE owners.” I was like, WTF??? I am the second owner of my car. He told me he wasn’t interested since he figured something just HAD to be wrong with an 04 that has had 3 owners, and no matter what i said, he would not believe me, because the great god Carfax said otherwise.
SOOOOOO…i called pendot and spent an hour on the phone (most of the time on hold), to verify the cars title history. Then, i contacted Carfax and got jerked around, shuttled back and forth, ignored, left on hold, had my emails ignored, for almost 2 weeks. I finally got someone there to look into this. Then they took their good old time checking it out. I told them a simple phone call would clear everything up, and they said “we don’t do that”:wtf: :madfawk:
So, finally i get an email saying
Hello David,

Carfax has amended the Carfax report for your vehicle.

I will forward a copy of the amended report in a separate email to follow. Please let me know if you cannot view or print a copy of the Carfax report that I have forwarded.

Consumer Affairs

That’s it, not even “sorry we fucked up your sale”, nothing. My car is not quite 3 years old, and they managed to screw up it’s history. That doesn’t say much about the reliability of the reports that they charge for, IMHO.
A simple apology would have gone a long way…douche bags.

thats shitty dude, hope it works out for you

If its over $15,000 I never buy without Carfax…

carfax offers a guarntee if they are wrong on the carfax and you find out other wise then they will buy the car back from you, well at least thats what they use to offer

My car is half that price, and comes with a 5 year 39K miles warranty.
I did email the guy who wouldn’t believe me when i was telling him that carfax was wrong, just to let him know that carfax WAS wrong…

Wonder if that means they will buy MY car since they were wrong??:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

my red mr2 has had 7 owners so far heh

only one way to find out

i cant wait to blow it up


Car fax is a joke plain and simple. I have 2 major reportable incidents on the mustang. Carfax shows crap except the milage.

carfax has been sued several tiems for stuff liek this–reporting good cars as bad, and bad cars as good.

case in point, i know of someone who bought an m3 off ebay./ cafax came out ok. title car in pa, gets a r title. car was wtrecked in pa originally, bought at auction and rebuilt in ny. ny gave it a good title. when it came back to pa, title was r’d because of past history. carfax didnt even have not of the wreck that would ahve made it an r title.

as for the buy back shit, they dont do that. have been sued over it too.