Carlisle 09

I want to go, if someone has extra room. Ill help pay for gas and what not.

Yeah… can we get an actual “In List” too see who will be actually attending. Maybe even what car you’re bringing and which hotel (So I can stalk and kill you)?

moboost you stayin in the holiday inn… its needham

who else is coming from rochester with you?
me and a few are leaving friday morning if u wanna meet up and cruise with another silver evo :tup:

haha im staying holiday inn or however you actually spell it (holidae maybe?? i dont remember) but anyways. we should get some sorta like meet place at the show or something so everyone can get to know others. ive gone for 4 years. although some of the cars. . . well most are kinda “riced” its fun to check out the other cars, and great deals on car parts and shit when your there. plus the parties are mad fun.

waffle house by howard johnson sat morning? breakfast?! anyone else game?

Whos the def list of people going. i live like a hour or so away if enough cool people are going i might stop down.

I’m in staying at Holiday Inn as well… as for Waffle House, I’m def in! can’t miss a morning in Carlisle without eating there.

wheres the waffle house?! i didnt see one last year

Holiday Inn tuts… hbu?

I hear you there sir!

Wish I was going, but oh well. Maybe next year.

i have a final on fucking saturday

even tho i wasn’t planning on going lol…
maybe next year

haha awsome, i just hope theres no random 16 year old girls getting taken away via ambulance this year haha no cops needed. speaking of which can someone p/m me the link to that video we made lol i wanna watch it and i dont have it anymore lol

there shouldnt be seeing someones not going this year :frowning:

I’ll be there Jeff… come down.

Was considering it after all but turns out this is the same day as my motorcycle test, so no go.

so im bringing the laptop down as im sure most people are. anyone wanna set up like somewhere to eat or something for everyone to meet and shoot the shit friday night at like ten ish? maybe get some drinks or somethin

fuck I wish i had a decent car to go down with

Sorry dude.

I’m not going to have the 370Z in time. :frowning:

i knew i would get you to tell me what your buying…how did i know you couldnt got awhile with out having a car! and yaa i wont have my car but im just getting a ride so i can go take your place and get some 16 year old girls

Soooo… Rain… Friday and Saturday.

IDK about all this nonsense.