Carlisle 09

my gps told me to go down the street and blow a u turn to hop on the thru way instead of just getting on and looping it around :shrug:
it was gay

I think everyones gps was all fucked up, we had one on the dash and one on a phone because we thought we were lost seeing both gps had us way off the road in a field

the road south of williamsport? 554?
that does look good, but follow 44 from just past williamsport in jersey shore up to olean. it was probably one of the best roads i have ever been on, basically no traffic, not one single police office just rippin twisties for about 2 solid hours

LOL Oh what a good time.

yup thats it
it was pretty badass
total of one car on the road and there was a bike whipping the twisties coming the other way and almost hit me
but other then that the road was beautiful
here is the google maps of it
iank took some pics while we were driving through it too
he will have to throw those up

I have shit to do today, so mike i figured I at least do one for ya :wink:

nice pic, nice car :tup:

thanks buddy :tup:

^haha damnit ian, that pic came out great. cant wait to see some of mine.
note: ian was in my car hanging out while we were doing 90mph to take this pic.


pic is sick

Lol, mine told me to actually GO UP A MOUNTAIN in order to turn around
:picard: How the fuck am i supposed to do that Mr TomTom?

you should update ur gps before going on trips… tom toms suck for that reason i prefer the garmins…

yea our GPS had us in a small town just past the mountains goin in circles…