Carlisle 09

details people lets go. lol i wanna see what i missed

nudes of bikini contest winner?

as i said last year… maybe next year… lol. (im eventually going to get to a point where i’m too old to enjoy a large percentage of the festivities)

you missed a crazy time…i love how carlisle cops have nothing else to do except raid hotels…i was laughing because i was outside infront of the hotel and sitting there just drinking watching them breathlyze a few people…, ill post some pics up tomm

The cops were pretty serious this year compared to the last few years. They basically sat in our hotel parking lot the whole night after telling us our hotel was the worst multiple times.

the town probably makes more money on traffic tickets and drinking violations than they do on people actually visiting the town (hotels,food etc)

my caravan of 3 cars was told by the police (as they breathalized myself and the other drivers) that carlisle actually hires outside help just for the weekend and all they do is bust kids

The Carlisle cops love me.

They almost let me get away with murder…literally!

<333 xoxoxo

gotta watch out for those PA state boys, haha we got surrounded at a gas station just outside of carlisle and the cops told us they were looking for us for hours. and that they found us by piecing together all the diffierent times that people called while we were on the expressway :roflpicard: we didn’t even have any ricer cars in our group. just my stock 95 integra with an exhaust, a beat up maroon 4 door civic and a silverado

fuck yeah exhaust!!

hahaha i put that hooker muffler on, it sounds fucking awesome but now its super deep and way quieter

she made us take down the pics of her after the car show since apparently hooters(where she works) is pretty strict on “modeling” pictures of their employees. she texted the guy she stayed with and told him not to post her pics on the internet because she can get fired:blah::blah::blah:… she was a pretty cool girl besides the fact she was dumb as f*ck…she thought she lost her money from the bikini contest 2 times but the money never left her car… go figure a really hott chick with brains…nope

that’s what putting a little black square on her face via microsoft paint is for

fun weekend.

to the people in the group that was w/us that took the highway, you missed out BIG TIME. going the “scenic route” ended up being a very good deal.

Bikini contest

hahahaha oh man, lets just say he’s lucky after only knowing him for 2 days that i went at midnight to come and get him out of jail. i was scared tho so ian came with me because i needed some muscle :), oh and a random black hooker almost got shot. end of that story

edit: ian, cant wait to see those pics :slight_smile: post them in here when they are done


andy your “scenic route” couldnt have been better then my absolute fuck up which turned into a scenic route
go on google maps and type in sulphur springs road in pa
it was a windy mountain road that was a blast

best gps fuck up ever

using the gps in PA fucking SUCKS. i got lost like 6 times