Carlisle 09

Yea, that’s a damn long drive. You guys all stay at the same m/hotel and what not?

i loved it last year espcially the not naming any names underage drinkin incident. it was fun commin back from drunk gocart racing to ambulances, fire trucks and the cops askin questions ha. the show was decent its alot different this year instead of goin through the line to get judge they judge u on the lawn this time.

besides the speeding ticket on the way there i had a fun time

It’s an awesome time, you should go. A lot of hotels are already booked.

henry: duuuuudee… I’m not bilinguaaal… I just speak french

How much does it cost between beverages, food, hotel costs yada yada? I may be interested as I have never gone there before.

after all the money in my build i’m just gonna have to BYOB and live out of my hatch…

did your crew already book your hotel?

Still waiting on Onyx’s input lol

I see him viewing still haha.

I called him. He said probably not, because we can’t get the pavillion we got last year.

(I think he should call again just to see)

Howard Johnsons is already booked and Holiday Inn has under 30 rooms left.

Where did you guys get your room?

Maybe you should spend that weekend submitting job applications. :roflpicard:

i thought it sucked.

Sweet. So everyone else might as well be at least 25% interested since we’re paying your way. :stuck_out_tongue:

I cant speak for Steve but Spec (02nsmospecv) is booking our (jim37865… and one others) room tonight at the Holiday Inn.

Steve, if youre going, try to lock down your room soon so we can be close… I dont wanna have to walk nekkid too far down the halls when im rolling out of your bead at 4am :wink:

are you going again this year biznitch? can i bum a ride?:pedo:

Meh… While the trip it self was fun, everything else there blows. Our schedule for this summer is getting booked up quick with plenty of trips with the same “road-trip fun” factor, except with actual worth-while destinations. Blown Euros meet in April, the NYSpeed Spring Meet in May, Watkins Glen trip in July and a few others in the works too.

This is what I said about Carlisle in '08:

That quote is perfect and 100% accurate from the forums representation perspective!

Its still a blast if you take it for what its worth though :gotme: Still, im sure there are 1000 better shows/events just as or almost as close as Carlsile.

Yeah, since I can’t afford all of the usual real vacations with a wedding looming over my head, I will probably take some of my vacation time to go out to these event this year. FINALLY!

I guess that I would be much more interested in the things that are already booked than carlisle. Specifically the Blown Euros and the Watkins Glen being destinations that aren’t all a bunch of SIQ FAN BOYZ wit da neonz and BeatZ, but rather a really good spread of quality cars and true enthusiasts.

Where is the spring meet in may?

holiday inn is still within walking distance of the go kart track behind the Howard Johnson. which always makes for a good time. so thats where im staying. still need to find a ride down there tho…