Carlisle 09

Lewiston, the newsletter should be going out tonight, and all of the details posted… That is if I can get my shit together and get the last 5% of the registration system to run smoothly.

Edit: found it on Josh’s Site

ill be there with the ground up crew, and meeting up with some other people on friday.

(last year = 2006) :slight_smile:

It’s more than just the pavillion though. My original discussions with the staff focused around how they wanted to change the image of the show - clean it up and bring it back to the size it was in '01 before the show was kicked out of Carlisle. We were going to be part of that revival. But in the end they thought they could make more money sticking to the same thing they’ve been doing despite the show loosing half its registrations, a local government opposed to them and the overall decline of the “Sport Compact” sceen nation wide.

I am suppose to be going to Reprsent the U.S Army so I should be there to give NYSpeed some Req. Rumor has it there might be some Airborne Jumps as part of the show…Shit beats last summer in Iraq, Ha

I’ll be riding down with mike (EVOLUTION VIII MR) I’ll have my camera gear, but Im really not to thrilled about shooting a crowded show with about 90% of the cars being meh, so very few pics if any will come from it, but if those interested wanted, we could set something up and do a private shoot or something either way I’ll be there.

what hotel are you going to be staying at? I don’t want to be stuck in a hotel that’s away from everyone else.

I have no idea Im just being dragged down there LOL seriously though I think we probably have like 3 different hotels, cause I know for a fact we’re in a different one then Mike’s (02spec) group.

It was fun back in the day, I think it would have to be the right group of people for me to go again though, i actually liked it when there would be a smaller group of 6-8 cars instead

im pretty sure i have a week of leave sched. for this week. who knows maybe ill tag along…


were staying at the rodeway in. cheap motel its just a place to stay, and there pretty cool about partying. we have about 25 people goin.

Hmm, i may head down.

do it tyler.

Depends on two things:

1.) if i sell the t-rex or not.
2.) how many “cool” people are going

were going to canada again…haha… i have to get security to watch me so i dont go off till 7am and party

I’m cool.

does buying a motor with 20,000 pennies make me cool?

honestly i think i spent more money on gas, entering the show and alcohol. We brought a grill and grilled out all weekend , saves tons of money

its probably going to cost you less then 200 dollars if u enter the show, drive down there and stay at the hotel the two nights

Holiday Inn is where the crew is going to be howard johnson was already filled two months ago

i would really like to go. i seem to always miss out on the nyspeed get together days.
would be nice to catch a couple this year.