
not that i condone this activity BUT i guarentee that they have near the same DUI arrest and disorderly conduct tickets in a 3 day weekend elsewhere in Harrisburg on a normal weekend.

racing seats, body kit w/ hood, full electronics w/ video screens, custom box in trunk. Did you forget about all that? :doh:

I agree also. The problem is this show is under the microscope to begin with and they will look for any reason not to let it be hosted where ever…

I’m betting on the “he don’t give a shit” and being sarcastic because of the “only” in his statment.

The other car that took first in my category i couldn;t compete with because he turboed his cav. It also go hit from behind the next day.

come over,i’ll hit u from behind!!!

by the way congrats!!! :beer: :beer: :mullet:

yeah it was a fun weekend i think i had more fun drinking then being at the actual show

o yeah incase anyone ever stays at the red roof inn in harrisburg dont use the pop machine it was used as a urinal by yours truely :smiley: