Carnut = t3h awesome

don is the best. I definately trust him 100% with any work i need done


Mehhhh…She’s alright. :slight_smile:
:tup: Don


+9999999 karma

Dons the man, nothing shocking of course:highfive:

Dons the man, nothing shocking of course:highfive:

ugh a day after my master was fixed my slave went. fuck.

don has always impressed me. i haven’t brought him a lot of work, but the stuff i have had him do has been great. i do basic stuff myself, so it’s always a pain in the ass for him when i come around. he’s also helped out on my gf’s car. :tup:

jam, sorry about your car. that sucks.

:tup: don.

Don is an asshole. He tied me to a chair, beat me with a dead baby, poured boiling water on me. Then be raped my mother right in front of me. I don’t know why you all like him so much.

Edit: he also made me stroke his beard, then got me addicted to meth.

Don is so dreamy. :slight_smile:

nigga if you don’t smoke this we are going to have a problem!!!

break yo self foo!!!

Big thank you to Don(carnut). If it wasnt for him, i wouldnt be so happy that i dont have to drive my gf around anywhere due to finally being able to get her car back on the road.

I called don up about a month ago, constantly asking him to check out my gf’s 94 probe, which needed brake lines replace. we kept going back and forth with shit coming up or other reasons why i didnt just go to him right away. long story short, i call him up after 2 weeks of not talking to him about this, and the day i call him he asks me if i could get the car to him or not. (e-brake it was)

so i got the car there, where he then told me he would take a look and call me for prices tomorrow on parts. found out the next day something came up. who cares, shit happens where people cant be their and do everything for you at once. he already took the car in the day i called him and atleast told me he would work on it as fast as possible. big thumbs up for that as it was since once he had no clue really before this to who i was!

so comes down to him calling me up on saturday morning with the prices. we drop off the money and a few hours later, great pricing, working brakes. Gf’s happy, which in return makes me very happy!

no more driving her around and going threw double the gas!

you need someone to do a good job, fast job, lower pricing, and just an all around great guy! talk to don.

Thanks again!

You are welcome. Thanks for the work :slight_smile: I can pay my rent this month :stuck_out_tongue:

your not alone:)

One time I told Don to suck my balls…

… and he did.


Does Don do the fun items like adjust valves/replace clutch/pressure plate, and wheels bearings?

If so he’s a lifesaver

theres so much sack riding in this thread, i think newman might be getting jealous. sounds like the dond a real stand up guy, :tup: to you sir and keep up the good work.

You don’t ride Don’s sack… you experience it

sounds like there should be a roller coaster named after him then.