Carpentry/architecht advice needed. EDIT: Now with pics of my garage.


I have almost no formal mechanical engineering training


Reason #1 why I’m interested in your advice! :biglol:

Yeah it’s about 50 years old. Which is probably why I should just repoint the mortar and stop trying to over-engineer it.

Actually now that you mention it, another reason why I should just do that is because that’s what my professional and experienced home inspector told me to do when I bought the house. :bloated: :lolham: (The home inspector’s opinion was that the problem was mostly caused by a lack of a back gutter.)

I’ll probably toss up a few joists just because it’s a cheap and easy way to add a bit of strength, but that’s about it.

Newman I see where you’re coming from. Your design will add a ton of tension immediately, halting all spreading of the roof. But I’m not even positive that there is a spreading problem. It’s just one theory. Another theory is that the ridge beam is properly supported and there is no spreading problem, only a moisture related shifting problem.

Maybe I’ll just leave it be until 6 months before I want to sell the place, then repoint the blocks so it looks nice and pretty and :gtfo: