CARS : Breakdown : $ Amount By State

Holy California…

Requested Voucher Dollar Amount by State
ALABAMA $31,251,500
ALASKA $4,868,500
ARIZONA $39,542,500
ARKANSAS $23,402,500
CALIFORNIA $326,822,000
COLORADO $37,676,500
CONNECTICUT $40,114,000
DELAWARE $11,235,000
FLORIDA $146,565,000
GEORGIA $70,496,000
GUAM $675,000
HAWAII $7,333,500
IDAHO $11,655,000
ILLINOIS $143,613,000
INDIANA $65,797,000
IOWA $37,728,000
KANSAS $31,496,500
KENTUCKY $40,246,500
LOUISIANA $33,376,500
MAINE $16,579,500
MARYLAND $74,903,000
MICHIGAN $132,407,500
MINNESOTA $73,160,500
MISSISSIPPI $12,463,500
MISSOURI $61,271,500
MONTANA $6,461,000
NEBRASKA $21,784,500
NEVADA $14,582,000
NEW HAMPSHIRE $23,045,500
NEW JERSEY $103,375,500
NEW MEXICO $13,941,500
NEW YORK $156,292,000
NORTH CAROLINA $78,601,500
NORTH DAKOTA $8,938,000
OHIO $136,267,000
OKLAHOMA $37,422,000
OREGON $37,531,500
PENNSYLVANIA $138,651,500
PUERTO RICO $2,252,000
RHODE ISLAND $10,690,500
SOUTH CAROLINA $37,207,500
SOUTH DAKOTA $10,367,500
TENNESSEE $50,949,000
TEXAS $183,776,500
UTAH $24,102,500
VERMONT $9,879,000
VIRGINIA $98,523,500
WASHINGTON $55,927,500
WEST VIRGINIA $13,477,000
WISCONSIN $70,165,000
WYOMING $2,513,000

cant wait to see the effect of this program on our taxes.

3rd place, not bad

edit: yea I should say not good lol

yup, thats not all getting paid back. no way in hell.

oh it will, through tax hikes, which WE ALL WILL PAY BACK. and by WE ALL im talking about us employed, tax payers :banghead

bullshit that i have to buy morons new cars. bullshit.

Program is NOT funded by tax payers. NADA, NHSTA, EPA, and lastly the Government put the plan together and are FULLY funding it. EPA/NHSTA being branches of the government that effects auto manufacturers worries me about taxes that we as dealers pay on new cars, but again nothing most people have to worry about.

yeah and where does the government get its money?

tax payers

serious with this shit?

does the government DO anything to MAKE money? NO

They get their money from taxes which comes from OUR money. Don’t be dumb.

i went to an obama administration fund-raising cupcake sale last year so i dunno wat youre talking about WAYNE

fixed it.

I heard that the government owes Fuccillo $8 million

it really wouldnt surprise me, with all the dealerships that dude has acrross the state of new york and in florida, and i beleive he has a few in between.

I think it was on the news because my dad told me that.

He sells alot of cheap fuel efficient cars.

California is gunna be first, no rust + warm weather = older cars stay in better shape longer

Holy fucking suicide needed

Holy fucking shit

this ^ :facepalm

I love you man, but did you think before you posted that?

just incase anyone missed it

dealers paying taxes does not equal, citizen taxpayers… way different