Cars from the late 80's early 90's that still look good today
92’ 911 turbo S
348TB Speciale
McLaren F1

Buick GNX…def got the 80’s boxyness going on but I still think it’s sharp.
1st gen Viper
Supra Turbo- back when Toyota didn’t just make appliances.

This thread makes Jeremy Clarkson sad!

high-end sports cars and supercars should be disallowed here. Nothing over 85k

X2 on the Legend…

AE86s when they are modded. Miatas too.

1994 Mustang GT

ive always thought all of my “piles” were cars that aged well -

eg coupe (not mine, but mine should look just like this soon)

mk3 glx vr6 (94)

mk2 (91) gti vr6

e30 bmw, but that has already been posted (this is a big no brainer here)

my dad’s alfa (84, but the body style really didnt change at all from 1966 - 1993, major reason the stopped importing new ones in 93, why would you bother buying a new one when the 20 year old ones look exactly the same)

ive always found my dad’s car to be kind of timeless, i still think it looks really great, especially considering its as old as me


now everyone is just posting pictures of cars they like

Jam with supersized bag of fail. Those cars weren’t anything to look at new, let alone now. One was really reliable and still is today, but no one looks at it and goes “man, that’s a sharp car”.

how could I forget the cosworths!!!


Renault R5 Turbo.




Well Jam did a good job backing up the fact he knows nothing about cars and performance :lol:

yes, really

I wish they still raced these!

my vote. I would also like to put a +1 on the buick GN

I think we’re missing the point. The ZR-1 Corvette in 1992 was fast, and still fast today. But it’s ugly and looks like some shitty design from 1992. The Cosworth, same deal.

The FD and NSX are perfect examples of what I was thinking of when I started this thread. Cars you could pull out of some dusty forgotten storage locker at their manufacturer with zero miles, put in a showroom today as new cars, and they wouldn’t really look out of place.

Faq’in exactly!


Also agree with JayS people are mistaking cars they like for cars that still look good.