Cars from the late 80's early 90's that still look good today

Yeah, this thread clearly turned into post your favorite cars from the late 80’s early 90’s…

thread mulligan?

Jesus people, cmon. With a thread title like “cars… that still look good today,” did you really think you wouldn’t get everyones awful opinions?

We are car people, we like cars, some of us like different cars than others. Some of us think certain older cars look good today.

This thread is simply opinion based. Opinions are like assholes, we all have one and they all stink.

This thread is horrid.

third gen camaro’s? I laughed hard as hell.

anyone posting fox bodies should be bant. the hd their moment, but are completely and utterly dated. they barel looked good then!

Any car from the late 80’s and early 90’s would look out of place in a showroom today. I love the way lots of them look - including the third gen Camaro - but not one of them would belong in a current showroom along side the new cars. I guess you can get close like the FD. It was ahead of its time but if you were at a dealership in an alternate universe that was identical except for the fact that that car never existed - you would take one look at the interior and say “WTF, did they design this in the mid-90s?” But exterior only, yeah I think it’s one of very few examples along with the Supra. At first I thought the R32 was a bad example but I can see it now. A little facelift and it could fit in.

Once in a while you see a car(usually one that isn’t available in the US) in a picture or movie or something that you’ve never seen before and you can automatically guess the year with some accuracy. But I guess I get surprised sometimes when cars are newer/older than they look. But no wonder people are confused with this thread - the title doesn’t really match the first post, and anything that “looked good” then, still “looks good” now to most of us.

Deff some good cars posted, but the only one that really sticks out is the FD. It just seems like that design was way before its time and is absolutely timeless.

I thought the sn95 mustangs looked good… still do…

wayyyy better than the fox bodies

short box s10s still look good, if they are done right, not stock.

but mainly the monte carlos from the 80s still look good, until you get inside of them.


Oh I think powder blue was the ideal Tempo. In AWD… I would totally shadowline that chrome trim, though.

But really, which 80s Cutlass is your favorite?

FD takes the cake for me

Last I checked they still sell these guys new in Mexico :lol: I can verify in 2 weeks

I think they just stopped making them a few years ago


1992 Dodge Daytona IROC R/T

I know,yet another fail lol.

While the FD and Supra are definitely contenders, this has my vote…

this is a 98 eclipse. you lose lol

---------- Post added at 01:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:33 AM ----------

Also, any car with flipup headlights should not count. Yes, even the NSX. Anytime i see flip-up i headlights i think 90s. Unless there is some car out now that has flip-up headlights, it shouldntt count.

Pop ups were deemed illegal about 10 years ago for new car manufacturers. A couple cars were given leeway on this as they were “grandfathered” basically, and given a short grace period. Of those cars were the NSX, which went to fixed HL’s in 2002, the Esprit, which retained pop ups until the end ofproduction in 2004, and finally the Ferrari 456.
