Casino - Arena plan for Pens

only half?

oh, and to the people saying “oh, well the Penguins dont deserve a new stadium because they havent been winning lately”…

you people are fucking retarded. I know the shit ass Pirates getting a stadium was fucked up, but you cant take that pent up anger and take it out on the Penguins. They won 2 championships 15 years ago back to back and for most of the seasons since they’ve either been in the playoffs or in the hunt. Its damn near impossible to keep a team dominant over a 15 year period. Look at the Cowgirls and the 49ers. Two of the most prolific organizations in football. They’ve both sucked serious balls for the last few years. Does that mean their cities should be looking to kick them out? Pittsburgh IS a hockey town. It can support a team. There is a company willing to come in and build the multi-purpose year round facility for the city for free. A facility that will be used more often for other events that have nothing to do with hockey. It would be a huge economic boost to a city that is barely keeping its head above water, and the city wouldnt have to pay a dime. Pull your heads out of your asses.

I’ve worn both. Hockey equipment is just as protective as football, if not more… Just because the bulk is less doesn’t mean that it is less protective overall.

i played football too yes.

we didnt wear knee gaurds… the rib gaurds were for the 85lb pussies so when they got hit they wouldnt crack in half, and i didnt wear the “intigrated” neck brace.

hockey’s pads are DEFINATELY not thinner. my shinpads are huge. and the pants are alot thicker than a girdle with 3 pads in it. the only thing bigger is sometimes shoulder pads.

Sam, did you ever even play contact hockey on the ice??? getting hit into the boards isnt anything compared to open ice hits.

the pads i wore when i was 170 lbs. and a center/LB/DE…thigh pads, hip pads, tailbone pad, shoulder pads…helmet…no a lot of pads there and for playing postions that do a hell of a lot of hitting every single play

I have never seen football pants that didn’t have a knee pad in them sorry.

yes open ice hits hurt worse because of momentum

name a 300lbs + hockey player.

you aren’t supposed to be fat playing hockey…I can name quite a few 235+lbers that are skating at 25mph+ when the hit you

smartest thing you ever said

Watch any NFL game… 95% of those guys dont wear knee pads

chad (in highschool)

I’d rather them spend tax money on repairing roads, having enough trucks working for snow removal, having enough money for garbage removal. I can think of a million better ways of spending tax money than on a new stadium, let alone 2 of them. IMHO they should’ve kept 3 rivers stadium.

Oh I am sorry, but a 5 yr old could not even come close to the caliber of play of any of the Pens. They have a ton of talent, they just haven’t clicked yet.

Open ice hits are painful. I played varsity hockey for North Allegheny and I drilled a guy coming up the middle. He was out for the rest of the game…and it hurt me also LOL

this says that u never had pads on…b/c you put those pads into ur pants…there fore means u dont have to have wear knee pads


lets face it…both hockey and football are hard hitting…both of them the same…but football has more of it!

Maybe if the Pens made it to the playoffs year after year and then choked during those playoffs year after year, then maybe they would get a new arena. :cool:

how many stanley cups pens have since 67???

how many superbowls steelers have since 67??

its not whether you win or lose, it’s how many people can you make watch

Penguins - I will never go to a game or watch on TV

Pirates - I would go to a game but would never watch on TV

Steelers - Never miss a game

That is the general consensus to all my friends and family as well and justifies the Pirates and Steelers getting a new stadium, IMO. If a new arena is built for the Pens, I will go there to gamble (assuming they get the license) but will never watch a Pens game :doh:

yes you have to put then in the little pocket thing in the pants but I don’t know anyone that didn’t use em

well who the hell u play with…a bunch of chicks??? they slow you down…and are just a pain in the ass