Casino Decision Day

They have student rush sort of thing for the pirates…where have you been? Plus like chad said the tickets are soo cheap anyways.

This definitly grinds my gears. I mean after publicly funding the two other ones and realizing it was stupid, you think they would take the opportunity to have one built at 290 NO COST to the public.

I totally agree. And its not just the economic impact in the stadium but around the stadium.

Anyways, I just hate politics. I mean I have been watching the news/listening about this all day. First off, the appointed all the other slots licenses first. All white peoples, then the this last group was black… Was this to please the black crowd? An interesing question posed by someone. Then you take a look at Mario, Kevin McClatchy and the Roonies (sp?). NONE of them wanted these guys to get it. None of the Local government (ravenstahl (sp?) and onorato) wanted it PITG to get it. This is sooo stupid that they got it.

I just saw a vote of 1500 people on WPXI on whether they agreed with PITG gaming getting it…
16% yes
84% no
fuck you gov’t

They have all the out large bids over by philly also. Thats gay. I think it has to do with the governer rendell ass-clown being from philly. Then the give them to people who are out of state. So the gov’t is essentially taking PA money and making out of state businessmen rich…SO GAY.

I just hope the group sticks to their word and helps rebuild the hill district including money for a new arena…because no matter what you idiots say THEY NEED A NEW ARENA…HERE