Casino Decision Day

The places you names have been overhauled b/c they are landmarks and will prob be there forever. As for your comment about not thinking the mellon arena isnt that bad…2 places come to mind that stick out…sit in the last row in section E or in section A…section A the seats are so shitty and loose.

And for everyone else dont ruin this thread with typical bullshit

Don’t get me wrong, I like all of our sports teams and the new staiums but I’m semi-irate that;

a) the internet at my appt sucks balls, my connection repeatedly times out more often than not and…

b) all this talk of rehabilitating the city yet 1/2 of Pgh is mislead by all this casino business

Section A28 Row A Seat 4, bish. Sure, K-mart edition folding chairs aren’t the best but :gives: when ur on the glass. w00t!

boston garden is gone, it has been gone for several years, as is chicago stadium, and the use of the spectrum. the civic arena is a landmark but more astetically than any of those places.

stuff like loose seats isn’t a hard thing to fix. an overhaul would include new seats.

i was at the game last night… when someone needes to get by i had way more room to move back so that the person didn;t step all over my Jordan IV’s than i do in my season tickets for pitt at heinz in section 115. its about the luxury… trust me… i work in professional sports, i get angry about how much teams don’t really care about the fans. but with that said the pirates more so than anyother team do more in the community. the pirates donate double the money to charity than the rest of the teams in the city combined but if the pirates were out doing something would it make the 11 o’clock news.?. hell no. we don’t have the pittsburgh media in our hip pocket like the steelers.

the pens have a hard time selling out because its soo damn expensive. so you think a new area is gonna bring cheaper seats??? if they can’t sell out there is no percieved demand. if you don’t have that how would you sell out a new venue with say 22,000 seats on top of the fact your hardcore fans can’t afford the tickets… the penguins don’t have the luxury the steelers do… people will not pay their bills to get steelers season tickets… i don’t see anyone doin that for the pens.

3 rivers didn’t hold that many… did it?

  1. ‘we’ = the penguins.

  2. they already have their own stadium… i don’t understand why you can’t see why two different sports teams as well as local college and highschools share ONE 40 year old stadium is not the need for a new one… pnc park brought the all star game and heinz houses superbowl winners…

:bigthumb: Didn’t pay my credit card bill yet becasue of the xmas eve game…bwahahahahahahaha

we’d get an NHL allstar game within 5 years and we have the talent to contend for the cup in years to come, possibly…so that doesnt really matter (reffering to #3).

in the hockey world, the Pens are a big buzz right now…even with a pretty average record. Crosby is far and away the most popular player in the league and Malkin and Fleury are right there behind him. so the market is there.

1 - three rivers held 59K for football and less for baseball:

3 - heinz houses the lucky super bowl champs who are doing what this season? the all star game was part of the deal to build the thing in the first place…and we don’t really need a new mellon arena just keeping the pens here would be enough…

3 rivers held close to 60,000 for baseball but in later years seats were covered in order to “dress the house” make it look like it was more full than it was. they had 59K plus for the all star game in 94. PNC’s largest crowd was 39,392. heinz is stupid in the fact that the season ticket waiting list is over 10,000 but heinz isn’t even 10% bigger than 3 rivers was.

what cracks me up is a fan wrote to the PG about the field at heinz cryin about the H.S. games… of coures his letter starts off “ive been a season ticket hold since blah blah blah” who cares? last time i checked being a season ticket holder is just that…a season ticket holder…not a grounds crew expert… and then he cried well because the steelers let pitt use their field they can’t paint the steelers logo at the 50… well first off the steelers don’t own it… second who cares about a fucken painted logo… its not a game board its a God damn football field, they could paint a giant cock on the field and its not gonna change the game. …and if anyone was taking notes willie parker broke the steelers rushing record on a field that was supposedly sooo horrible… shows you how much the media can over play the condition on heinz field. and the conditon of the field…thats the fucken grounds crew problem… its someones decision to make that a sand base… sand allows for better draining but it make the roots weak. this isn;t miami and sand base is no good. they need a dirt base if they want to continue with grass… you may end up with a mud bath but its football… thats the way football is.

The pens get more than enough fans. have you seen the student rush lately??? last game i was at, it was almost down to the steel building.

how many for baseball? that was the question and as per this thread, it should’nt matter.

and they are still the superbowl champions… they don’t take records back if you didn’t know… and they are at .500 now and 3rd in the division… fairweather fans should at least keep up with the current stats

they led the league in increased attendance last year with one of the worst teams in the league, in the oldest arena in the league.
if you compare them to other NHL teams instead of the pirates or steelers, they are way behind the 8 ball.

that’s because its’ discount priced tickets!!! if you lower the ticket price or even offer a studen rush for steelers / pirates people will show.

i think the mellon arena needs revamped, but i’m not thinking rebuilt… why does it? mellon arena out sells pens games with motivational speakers and elmo on ice!! so it’s not that the building is too outdated for people to even come to.

my point was that two professional teams were sharing a stadium as well as venues… building two stadiums seperated the crowds, expanded the city’s north shore and also opened up a new venue for the city.

how can you discount pirate tickets anymore? they are like $11

the student rush thing was smart, not a lame attempt to just sell out. you of all people should know…

little bit of $ for seat > no $ for seat.

plus, its a way to bring in the younger audience

student rush isn’t a permenant thing… those students are only in school for 4 years. what popular amoung young people one day switches the next. if those seats were not so deeply discounted they would be empty. the pens are hot right now cause they got young talent. But the pens need a more permenant solution to fill those seats with people paying full price father than johnny come-lately college students. pitt football is super cheap for the students by when is the student section full?..when pitt is a hot ticket.

im sure a percentage of them turn into season ticket holders after college and when they get a job. they all arent that deeply discounted. i think the cheapest seat is like $25 and you could pay $20 for student rush and be sitting in those or pay $20 and be sitting against the glass.

college students come and go, but as long as they are some sort of income for the organzation, it’s a good thing

dude don’t get mad at me!!! i’m not taking the pens away… i’m just saying, i’m not surprised about giving discounts to college students and them biting at it!!! student rush is a great idea…

discounted tickets is a lame attempt to get bodies in the seats. the pirates have college discounts… bodies in the park equals concession sales that aren’t discounted.

our cheapest tickets are $9… they were $5 with the college id but we changed it to a package last year. college night in the pirates cove… you get a ticket, a t-shirt, $5 in food vouchers and it keeps all the crazy drunk students pretty much in their own part of the park.

i never buy the crap when they say …“we want to introduce young people to the game” you either like sports or you don’t. professional sports is the most overmarketed thing in history… bottom line is “if you win they will come”

What you say about winning is pretty much tru for most markets…but to say the student rush is stupid make no sense. Like Chad said it will help make money now and incease chances for having future season ticket holders. There is not one bad thing about student rush. Also it is clear the Pens are rebuilding and doing a damn fine job of it and will have an insane team int he next few years.

what it comes down to is that we had a plan that gave us a new $260mill arena for FREE and also 100% secured our hockey team here and we denied it…real fucking smart.