Casino Decision Day


thats what i was thinking

When politics get involved everything gets fucked up…its not what is the best for the city it is whats best for the Politicians…but “it is what it is”…all we can do is hope someone makes a decision that will kepp the Pens in Pgh…its not like there isn’t a market for them here.

If anything 3 rivers should still be here and the igloo should have been replaced…lets see 50+ year old facility or barely 30 year old facility…facility where more venues could be held…wtf…but noi use on bitching what should have been done. All we can do is hope somehow the city gets a new arena. What is going to piss everyone off if the pens leave…you know within 5-7 years a new arena will be built anyways so it makes no sense not to build it now.

LeDude is still >*

i dont blame him for being pissed. hes been fucked with for like 7 years now by the politians and they have made every single apspect of this process as hard as it could be. id be pissed too. plus hes done more for the city than anyone ever has (sportswise). if he moved the team to KC or something id be super pissed/sad, but not at him. im still tryin to hold on to the hope that there is a way we can get an arena and keep the Pens here. if i had to criticise mario, all i could say is that i hope he can try to still keep his head on straight and negotiate with whats on the table and dont cling to the IOC because it aint happenin.

he’s been fucked with his entire career. you know how much money the Penguins organization still owed him by the time he retired?

Mario will never move the team himself. He’s not that stupid. He wouldn’t jeopardize his legacy that way.

He’s simply saying this to use it as leverage against the politicians.


Mario is a very good businessman… I truly hope this will spark a fire under someone’s ass… If it doesn’t, I can honestly say I can’t be mad at Mario if he’s gotta move the team, we’ve had 7 years to work on this. Pittsburgh doesn’t give a shit about the Penguins.

the fans do, it seems the politicians in the city do not…like i said, my only gripe is…the pens wouldnt cinsider any other option under the IOC agreement, which i understand, but that fell through, so if they really want to be here then they gotta be willing to look at other options and try to get a deal done. Mario cant stay stuck on the IOC thing and feel sorry over it. just start talkin to the ppl and make something work. that 7mil a year for 30years is a good start. maybe when the IOC agreement is up in a week or so, they can start talkin and get it done.