Catch Can or Free Flow?.. What would you do ?

Ok, so right now I just have a breather filter(somewhat dirty) on the PCV system.On the VW I ran a free flow,just had a couple hoses with a T and dumped on the ground.I am not concerned with passing emissions,have a hookup. Would you guys spend the cash money for a shiny catch can ?or just have a couple lines hooked up and dumped?

-Duke LaDuke

shiny catch can so the PRs you got mad money into your whip

I would go with a catch can, if it was me.

Completly remove PCV system, free flow that bitch into this already fucked enviroment.

But really, I run no PCV parts at all. Blocked the black box hole, run breathers into a catch can.

Catch can set up

Laduke your already the fail master

No need to spend money on shiney catch cans when you can make one yourself!

No but srsly… you can find cheap catch cans on ebay like 10 bucks… or make one yourself… youd be amazed at what you can make catch cans out of that look good… I’ve seen some crazy shit

Legit catch cans have a baffle in them forcing the flow of air to go to the bottom of of the can and then rise upwards to keep the oil at the bottom…

Some chepa catch cans have this baffle others dont, but the cheap ones will still do the job, just not as good.

WTF is a free flow? is that ur new lingo for that mod?



thats a waste of money, laduke, dump that shit on the ground. no big deal.

LaDuke, your car turbz?

Run catch can but no breather, feed back to intake before turbo.

What this guy said

dump that shit on the ground

Shady - that looks ghetto as fuck

Pete -thats what I call it now


Laduke I figured it suited you…

See below for serious answer

No but srsly… you can find cheap catch cans on ebay like 10 bucks… or make one yourself… youd be amazed at what you can make catch cans out of that look good… I’ve seen some crazy shit

Legit catch cans have a baffle in them forcing the flow of air to go to the bottom of of the can and then rise upwards to keep the oil at the bottom…

Some chepa catch cans have this baffle others dont, but the cheap ones will still do the job, just not as good.

I wouldn’t even do that , that just looks retarded and a waste of time.

Looks retarted and ghetto yes

Waste of time no… Although the fittings being right next ot eachother is stupid … but it would work just fine…

As I said before, All a more expsensive catch can has that a beer can/rock star can wont is a baffle that helps keep the oil/air seperated…

Granted I wouldent use a beer can, but hey its free

Do NOT do this. Runnin it back to the intake of the turbo can really fuck shit up. Depending on how much blow by your havin ou can at some times blow oil out of these catch can lines. This you would be feeding oil directly to the inlet of your turbo :thumbup yeh not so much just dump it or get a catchcan

Buy catch can with baffle. Plumb properly.


The majority of the oil doesnt make it to the turbo, just makes a constant vacuum source.

I belive he meant as in between the turbo/intake… Not before the compressor housing

which is what i meant as well

Yea thats what I kinda thought with that post…

But yes it does depend on how much oil your blow’n