Caught Police in action 2 pics

im driving back to the hotel at around 1AM or so, and im at a red light, i look to the left, and it looks like the guy was pulled over and somehow was just laying on the ground, officer is aiming a taser at the guys back, and i can see a red laser dot on the guys back as well… i snapped a pic (red laser dot didnt come out)

i then realize the light turns green and i have to drive, but i look back over and i see them actually tase him and i see the wire, i then tried to hastily take another shot, its blurry, but it shows the movement of him being tased and twisting his body towards the ground.

took place saturday november 2, 2007 in newburgh, ny.

lol, that shit would be funny to see from afar. But I really wouldn’t wish that on anyone.

NO racial beatings and profiling no care…j/k obv. :stuck_out_tongue:


prolly aggrivated DUI suspect

another case of drving while black.

This thread would have rocked with some video.

I can see why they tazed him. He looked like he was about to attack from his “laying on the ground sideways position” :bloated:

lol micah wtf these pics are so low quality for you !

just kidding, NICE WORK.

lol. you are quick with that camera.


I can see why they tazed him. He looked like he was about to attack from his “laying on the ground sideways position” :bloated:


:picard: It looks like he was in the process of following standard procedure. The guy is clearly in the process of getting face first on the ground so he can be handcuffed. Rotating to one side a showing an open palm. Maybe you couldn’t tell that by the blurred second picture.

i think that he was being told to lay flat on his stomach and he kept turning up on his side… thats my best guess

newburgh is filled with some retarded people


another case of drving while black.



what kind of cop car is that… looks like a jeep of somesort maybe but ya cant really tell in the pics


another case of drving while black.


nah i dont think he was

and cop car was an SUV i forget the make

Front end looks like its a Jeep.


Front end looks like its a Jeep.


+1 Looks like some Jeep on Jeep action.

lol. bump.
