CC debt pissing contest

I only use my card for gas, then pay it off every month.


wow 4 pages from a non drama filled thread.


Screw you fucktard it is only 2 pages!(Drama)

my parents also drilled the dont charge anything unless you absolutly have to mentality.
my dad has had one card for 30 years.

that and “live within your means”

meh i have $200ish CC debt?

my only big debt is my ninja, i went about the purchase the wrong way and now the best i can even do is break even and start over, which i might do.


my parents also drilled the dont charge anything unless you absolutly have to mentality.
my dad has had one card for 30 years.

that and “live within your means”


Yeah I only have one credit card and it is the same one I have had for 22 years.
People today seem to think they need many cards.:gotme:
Good luck getting a mortage while having 5 or 10 credit cards.

only dept I really have is my car.

as for CC’s, it’s maybe 500.00 or so… not much

i have no debt at all but i had someone tell me they had $82,000 once!!! holy shit!!!

i use cc with cash back and use the for the miles.

Credit cards are SOOO accessible at school etc, it’s not even fair.

I remember when I was at UB, they only allowed the CC peddlers to work their shit in the commons… but even then…

As an 18 y/o college student, it’s assumed you are relatively poor.

“I want a free shirt” “I want a free sub”

Sure you eventually learn to fill out fake information, but that first time… well… suddenly it’s

"Hey I have a $1000 credit limit, am 18 years old, and are immature as fuck"

catastrophes follow.

it’s so ugly at UB :frowning:

Anyways I recovered from some shit… and learned my lesson- GG I’m 27. :tdown:

I have absolutely no cc debt and ive been lucky to avoid it as it seems like a vicious circle with minimum payments and high interest rates and all. Ive seen quite a few friends of mine fall into that trap, and my rents always taught me to live within my means, so i only have 1 cc and ive used it maybe 5x in the past 3 years, literally. I try to live inexpensively also though; no home phone (money waster bigtime imo) no cable/satellite tv, no 50" plasma, but i do go out to eat a bit. Only debt i have is a car payment, school loan (5k left, might just pay it off soon) and mortgage on the house. Not bad for being 24 i think.


Thats a hell of a strategy!!! Hey ive never looked at a 401k spreadsheet. Can you put 401k money into anythig or are you limited to certain options?


you have very limited choices. this is why you only put in what your company will match and then put the rest in an IRA/ROTH IRA where you have 100% control.

401Ks are pretty safe but won’t do very well. when you select a bunch of random items from the list you’re really just becoming your own index fund. Putting a lot in company stock is a high risk game but also the only game you can really play with high stakes within your 401K. This is what caused the whole ENRON problem - people putting all their money in company stock and losing it all when the company crashed.


you have very limited choices. this is why you only put in what your company will match and then put the rest in an IRA/ROTH IRA where you have 100% control.

401Ks are pretty safe but won’t do very well. when you select a bunch of random items from the list you’re really just becoming your own index fund. Putting a lot in company stock is a high risk game but also the only game you can really play with high stakes within your 401K. This is what caused the whole ENRON problem - people putting all their money in company stock and losing it all when the company crashed.


That may not always be true, my last employer i had about 15 choices, with my current company i have a few hundred.


wow 4 pages from a non drama filled thread.


your all fucking gay!

lol, no, you see you start a topic which requires some intellect and you will not get retards.

About 5K that I rotate on my cars 0% APR on transfers = win

I absolutely RAPE Jetblue with their AMEX, lol

Nothing like getting free flights paying your car payment/insurance and random shit :tup:

[quote=“Toda Party,post:55,topic:39900"”]

I was near 10K at one point…

but thanks to all that bought UBRF hoodies, I got bailed out :lol:


hahahahha fucking scammer.

i have about $5-5.5k in debt, and its been like that for 2yrs. I plan to nix the debt this spring/summer thought through a series of investments on cars i can get for cheap and sell for close to 10x the amount that i have been holding interest in for a while talking to the sellers(friends). should be itneresting…even if it doesnt work out im going to be fine once i get my internship in june/july

Got about a grand. Going to pay it off by the end of the month.

as for my credit card habits.

only a fool avoid debt. Debt is something to be managed carefully because it can work just as well in your favor as it can against you. Sure some people are not smart enough to manage credit, but that’s ok - get somebody smart to help you.

I roll probably 70% of what I make in a year through my credit cards. By “roll” I mean that I buy everything I possibly can on the highest reward card for the type of purchase. The one exception is that I use cash when dining out with friends some of the time because it’s just rude and annoying to split a $60 bunch among friends on 6 cards.

Do I carry a balance? Yes. I have a large card maxed out with the money sitting in my emigrant direct account making 4.75% currently. I pay the minimum every month (but not from the emigrant account) and when my 16 months of interest free are up I’ll pay if off. (total cost to me = $0)

The end result of all of this is a bunch of free money every year for almost no effort.

I also build my credit and have a much leaner checking account so most of my money is always making me money. At the same time I have a much larger cash reserve then I would have had available within 2 business days.

I have a great credit score despite the money sitting on cards and I never pay any interest.

At the moment, $200 on my discover gas card and $2800 on my chase business owner’s account, out of a credit line of $50,000. All about low utilization of available debt.


lol fry what the fuck, that’s quite the plethora of investments


Mine is somewhat similiar, Adam. Very spread out.

I still however, have not yet ever obtained a credit card. I am sure getting one would not be a problem, but I’m doing just fine without one.