CC debt pissing contest


And I only owe 8k left for schoolz.



Really so you get to claim a tax break for the year contributed and the it comes out tax free? I though it was taxed upon withdrawl? If not then shit thats a deal and a half. Like i said im not up on 401k’s as i dont have one. Thanks


I wish i could tell you for sure but i think that about how it works but if you take it out bfore you turn 62 you owe 20% in taxes


zero CC debt. noone wants to give me a credit card. my credit isnt up to par i guess. i wonder if thats gunna suddenly change now that im a home owner. :shrug:


:lol: How the heck did you get a mortgage but can’t get a credit card?


:lol: How the heck did you get a mortgage but can’t get a credit card?


lol for reals… …you move into the proj?


:lol: How the heck did you get a mortgage but can’t get a credit card?


when it comes to a mortgage its all about how much you make and how much your willing to put down. anybody with bad credit can get a mortgage. because they can just take your house if you dont pay.


What is SO important that you guys get into debt for? I can sort of understand Zerodaze making his house much more liveable, but short of that, or un-budgeted car/house repairs…?


40" Sony Bravia :lolham: :hang:


What is SO important that you guys get into debt for? I can sort of understand Zerodaze making his house much more liveable, but short of that, or un-budgeted car/house repairs…?



thats really what sparked my interest in the subject. when i was younger, i had a shit load of debt. we are fuct right out of the gates it seems for the most part. i see mine, and my friends rents using credit like it is going out of style. no one can afford their lives, they can just afford the payments.
its like renting your life.


thats really what sparked my interest in the subject. when i was younger, i had a shit load of debt. we are fuct right out of the gates it seems for the most part. i see mine, and my friends rents using credit like it is going out of style. no one can afford their lives, they can just afford the payments.
its like renting your life.


Ah, well why didn’t you say so. The big lump that I had came from biting off more house than I could chew, so to speak. When the then-fiance and I were house shopping we mistakenly were looking at houses more than we could afford on my salary with the justification that she would be working as a full time speech path in 2 years. In the name of getting what we wanted, we paid no attention to how to pay the bills during those 2 years. Mortgage and utilities made my budget too tight, and hence day to day expenses snowballed into credit card debt. Things are good now but they would be sooo much better had we not made that mistake.


Ah, well why didn’t you say so. The big lump that I had came from biting off more house than I could chew, so to speak. When the then-fiance and I were house shopping we mistakenly were looking at houses more than we could afford on my salary with the justification that she would be working as a full time speech path in 2 years. In the name of getting what we wanted, we paid no attention to how to pay the bills during those 2 years. Mortgage and utilities made my budget too tight, and hence day to day expenses snowballed into credit card debt. Things are good now but they would be sooo much better had we not made that mistake.


i am glad i learned my lesson before buying our house. we ended up in a modest home, but one that we can pay for in less than 10 years. that makes her feel warm and fuzzy inside, so that makes me happy because shes not bitching.

That’s outstanding. With habits/attitudes like that you’re well on your way to easy street.

Oh, and your finances will be good too. :lol:


I pay my credit card off every month.

0 and keepin it that way…

student loans are a different story!!!


only flash the cash, (or debit card)


That’s outstanding. With habits/attitudes like that you’re well on your way to easy street.


wish i would have had those habits 10 years ago.

hopefully some of the younger members will learn a little something from this.

that finance sub forum is looking better and better.


I use my amex card for everything and pay it off month to month. They have amazing customer service. I recommend that everyone uses american express.

i was up to about $8500 by the middle of summer. Ive been going pretty hardcore at paying it all off and now im down to a little over $3000 but thats prob going to go up a couple hundred cuz i bit the bullet for a couple christmas gifts this year. but all and all i cant wait to pay it all off and im never carrying a balance ever again, i learned the hard way that its way too easy to get out of control real fast.


thats really what sparked my interest in the subject. when i was younger, i had a shit load of debt. we are fuct right out of the gates it seems for the most part. i see mine, and my friends rents using credit like it is going out of style. no one can afford their lives, they can just afford the payments.
its like renting your life.


My parents are the best, they used to constantly tell me, “DO NOT USE YOUR CREDIT CARD UNLESS YOU HAVE THE MONEY TO PAY IT OFF AT THE END OF THE MONTH!!!”

I guess I have never been in cc debt out of fear alone.:biglaugh:
Thanks mom and dad.

wow 4 pages from a non drama filled thread.