i got caught speeding in donora this afternoon . i was doing 40 in a 25 mph zone and was caught by a local cop. anyone have an idea how i can get this lowered. i believe 15mph over the posted limit in a commercial motor vehicle is an automatic 60 day suspension and 3 points . my boss told me due to insurance purposes if i cant get this lowered i will need to find another job. im not really sure if a 1st offence of 15mph over the limit is a defenet 60 day loss of license or not . anyone have any idea how i can work this out were i can pay a fine not get any suspension and loss of license?
It doesn’t say there are any special rules for cdl drivers.
And it doesn’t look like there is a suspension until you get at least 6 points.
If a driver operates a motor vehicle and is convicted of:
For a second conviction of any combination of offenses in this Table in a separate incident within a 3-year period while operating a CMV, a person required to have a CDL and a CDL holder must be disqualified from operating a CMV for…
For a second conviction of any combination of offenses in this Table in a separate incident within a 3-year period while operating a non-CMV, a CDL holder must be disqualified from operating a CMV, if the conviction results in the revocation, cancellation, or suspension of the CDL holder’s license or non-CMV driving privileges, for…
For a third or subsequent conviction of any combination of offenses in this Table in a separate incident within a 3-year period while operating a CMV, a person required to have a CDL and a CDL holder must be disqualified from operating a CMV for…
For a third or subsequent conviction of any combination of offenses in this Table in a separate incident within a 3-year period while operating a non-CMV, a CDL holder must be disqualified from operating a CMV, if the conviction results in the revocation, cancellation, or suspension of the CDL holder’s license or non-CMV driving privileges, for…
(1) Speeding excessively, involving any speed of 24.1 kmph (15 mph) or more above the posted speed limit.
60 days
60 days
120 days
120 days
fight it, if the judge is nice enough he’ll cut it in half
true dat…i can’t see how any judge would give you the full shaft if you make it clear that your out of a job if that happens
Yep, tell the judge you’ll gladly pay the fine if you had a job. But without a job you have no money so his ax dollars will have to keep you in jail…
Plead not guilty and send in the fine money.
You will get a letter telling you when the hearing will be.
Option #1
Try to keep re-scheduling the hearing as many times as you can get away with.
The officer will also have to keep re-scheduling and may not show up.
Option #2
Go to the hearing. ADMIT YOU WERE SPEEDING. However, admit you were guilty of 30 in a 25 not 40. If they accept your plea, the township will still get their $$$ which is really all they want anyway, you will get no points and the State will not even become involved. I have done this successfully many times. It is refreshing to them that someone actually admits they were speeding instead of the same lame excuses they hear day in and day out. They know they will still get their $$$ and they may just cut you a break for trying to be “honest”.
from what I hear with CDL, you pay the fine in full and tell the judge or pendot that you would like to get the points dropped. you go take a test and they drop the points
the points are my biggest trouble not so much the fine. i really cant afford to miss 60 days of work either.
ya a driver told me that the police and pendot know a CDL driver will pay whatever amount of money to keep the licence and keep working so they’ll give you a big fine with like 3 points or something cuz they know you’ll pay it, then they’ll drop the points
Most times in these small towns, they will just make the offer to you before starting the hearing. They are mainly looking for the $$. I’ve been to many hearings where I got there for a 10am hearing & there were 50 people in the waiting room for a 10 am hearing. They just walk you in, offer you a “pay the fine & get no points” option & you say yes or no. Sometimes you even get money back because it is a lower fine.
DO NOT wait past the 10 days to plead not guilty/send the money in & let them send you a letter. This usually does away with your options.
im going past their office tommorow morning with a check…