yeah well my phone took a shit so i took it into the verizon store to have them check that shizzle out…there was a short or somthing, it wouldnt load anyting on the phone. i lost my entire contact list (over50 people)…im like super pissed…and i have to reload all the shit i downloaded (ringers/games). evidently i dont have a sym card or w/e. sooo pissed.
also, has anybody ever gotten charged for shit on their phone that they havent used? i got a bill for an extra $95 for txt messages…and i know for a fact i didint send that many.
its an audiovox CDM-110CA. it wond load period. full battery, the little green light is on indicating it has power, but it wont load anything. the guy siad it was a circuit or something.
thats just it, i have the “unlimited” in network txt plan and 50 out of network. if you look at any of my bills they are like 2-300 txt messages including in network per month…of those maby 30-40 of them were out of network…and now their saying i used 945? they claim i sent 300 of so and recieved 645. hmmm kinda shady if you ask me…especially since drring maize season im averaging maby 200 total txt messages a month cuz im so buisy…so how it would jump over 700 is :bloated:
lol…sweet, suppose to be a swet flick. If i call the FCC with they be able to do anything about the charges? im callin total :bsflag: on them…there is no way i can send that many.
you dont have a sim card because vzw doesnt use them. CDMA rather.
see if they will do a reverse charge on your account if you go up to the $10 txt pack. if they let you, do it, then wait a month and change it back to the $5 txt pack.
do you have any alerts coming to your phone? AIM? Email alerts? weather? all those are out of network.
if you redownload the same ringers/games, you can call customer service and they will credit your account for the amount.