Cellular Broadband..for you celly geeks

1.)ok, so I see that that sprint offers a card to insert into your laptop for broadband. If this service is purchased, can you network other computers off of that ISP?

My local DSL is 7XX K Maximum(and very rarely get it!) and I pay $55 /month. Its my only option as I am in a private housing plan w/ out any other options.

2.) When using broadband ON cell phones, can you link your cell phone to a laptop w/o the laptop card and get >DSL speeds on the laptop?

in response to question #2
our salesman here at work have laptops and some wire that allows them to plug in on the road and get “dial up” speeds.
i have a treo with verizon broad band internet. its pretty quick, but not equivilant to a DSL on a computer… i have heard they were coming out with a similar solution to connect to laptops but i have not really seen it.

yes… it creates a network connection, you would simply turn on Internet Connection sharing. This would turn your laptop into a DHCP server and you could have other clients connect to the laptop to get internet.

Some of the sprint phones allow “phone as modem,” I don’t know if verizon lets you do that.

I talked to a guy on the phone who said the data plan was $20/month, and with a Treo 700, you can do phone-as modem for free, but the fag in the store yesterday tried to tell me you have to pay for a data plan, and pa extra for this phone as modem deal. I think that’s just for lower-end phones, but I don’t really know.

I find the idiots in the sprint stores just sling phones, and they don’t know shit about service plans. They barely know what the in-store literature says. If you call Sprint, and get a national sales rep, they know wtf is going on.

when I had my house in Clinton, i didn;t have internet service, so I used my A900 for my internet. I bought a bluetooth connector for the back of the laptop so I didn’t have to use the cord, but it worked pretty good, not quite Cable speed, but probably about DSL speed. it worked well with the bluetooth, plus I didn’t have to carry my cell phone with me everywhere I took the laptop, i just left it on the charger cause it sucks the phone battery down pretty quick, plus it was pretty convienient for road trips

Check out www.sprintusers.com I’m sure you can find your answer there.