Centralia Pa pictures

well for another forum there is a picture with the theme “roads less traveled”

i planned on showing up around 4, right as the sun was setting but typical gf runs late so we show up late and these are the only 4 decent pics

so no tripod and being pretty much dark = fail… but i will try my best and see what people think of these

i took these on an abonded/closed road in centralia because the underground coal mines are on fire and destroyed the town/roads

let me know what pic you would choose, im not allowed to edit so what i have is what i will submit


2nd one because there is a UFO in it :slight_smile:

do you have time to go back with a tripod and earlier in the day before you have to submit one? Because if you do, then you should.

i wish i did, but traveling 2 hours for a picture isnt worth it lol

#3. It’s way too out of focus, but it works for me.

either 2 or 4 imho


id like to see 4 with a lil more light

me too, 4 with more light

if that is fog in the third pic that bites because that could have been a sweet pic. use 4

I like 2 and 4 but i dunno 4 just doesnt seem to look right to me.

Why is the road like that in the first place?

its in centralia pa

underground coal fires is what you see the smoke coming from

basically the coal fires ruined the whole town and everything had to be abandoned

ah, i just noticed you had that info in the original post lol

that’s pretty badass, damn girls always bein late!

Centralia is so cool… I love to see anything old and abandoned. How many buildings and homes are left in the actual town?

I like the 1st one.

ive been wanting to go to centralia for a little bit now, onyx got me interested in it one day we were talking about abandoned places at work

and for pic wise, i like the first one best

I say 4 because it’s the best pic for the topic. 2-3 take some explaining that it’s actually a road, but just messed up.

I’ll agree with others though… more light.

ya well the gf ran late, i would have gotten there at sunset which would have been perfect imo

maybe i will get a tripod and get some more pics before the contest is over

that’d be a good idea

Go back and leave the gf at home, lol.

I like old abandoned things too, that’d be cool to see. I know it’s not cool because people lost their homes but I’m into stuff like that.