Cheap Verizon Mobile Web

I have set it up on my Samsung u740 phone to use my own dedicated server for mobile web. I will be opening up access soon for it.

I will be allowing people to access it for less than $1/month (looking at $0.49/month). If anyone is interested let me know. It sure as hell beats the Verizon $5/month crap.

hrmmmmm ? how?

Basicly your internet goes through verizons proxy…you just do a hack and change the proxy server.

Yea. Basically the .50 cents is to allow this to be dedicated.

PM me if anyone is interested and I can give you the details.

I have posted some details and FAQ about the services on my website:


PM me if anyone is interested and I can give you the details.

I have posted some details and FAQ about the services on my website:


I am working on some final testing before I release it.

word, good deal. keep in mind it uses airtime when ur on it.

yea thats one reason i am using my own now. i don’t want to pay 5 dollars a month to use Verizon’s when it still uses airtime. lol

how does this work?

hmmm… possible to use this with other carriers?

good job mang… if I ever go verizon, I’ll keep it in mind


word, good deal. keep in mind it uses airtime when ur on it.


exactly, so what is the advantage besides using another proxy? why not just use one of the thousand proxies on the net?

On howardforums, they have posted a way to use free mobile web on the u740, I have no tried to set it up yet but from all the responses it looks good.

this one uses a dedicated server and doesn’t have people pounding it with web traffic. it is also setup to be optimized for mobile web.

i am not sure how it works with other carriers. i just know Verizon phones right now are BREW based to their menus are pretty standard.

i should be releasing this today.

Mobile Web Signup and FAQ:

Specific phone questions can be directed right to the blog post here:

Edit: The cost is $0.85 a month (fucking paypal) but I also am allowing a 24 hour trial to refund payments if you wish. Questions or anything PM me or reply