Cheap weekend getaway?

Cheap meaning under $1000 all said and done. Any ideas? I was thinking ellicotville.

What are you looking to do? Outdoor, Indoor,Shopping,Partying?

Rock and roll hall of fame? cleveland, i think tickets are about 20 bucks, last time i went

Ya I was thinking that too. Or Toronto

idk I just want to hear some suggestions

Toronto is awesome, but going there usually ends up costing more, with so many things to do and little money lol I spent way to much money last time i was in toronto

Toronto ftw. or Phili


flats in cleveland





I am looking for a vacation destination also. I have till august to decide but I just cant think of anyplace interesting enough within an 8 hour drive to spend an entire week and not come home broke.


Walker what’s the flats in Cleveland?

Dude hat sounds pretty awesome. Like a bizzaro buffalo haha

its pretty neat and yet still a nice getaway cause its not buffalo…plus you can stay for the weekend on teh cheap

not sure if you are interested but i actually just recently came back from a 4 day weekend on long island and spent a total of about $500 including food, fuel and hotel…

Theres a amazing skatepark in cleveland also! but i dont think any of you want to shred bmx lol


The original Chenga was so fucking awesome

Could easily do NYC with a ton of activities for under a grand.

I went there last year and was pretty awesome until I crashed hard.

I was actualy talking about RAYS MTB but chenga is also an honerable mention, you cant ride it on the weekends though, way too many people, but anyone who rides a bike/MTB or BMX should check out RAYS MTB

I was talking about Rays. A++