cheapie a/c line fix?

so if I had a split in a high side line, would I be a complete idiot if I tried slipping a section of larger diameter line over it by at least 3-4 inches on either side and sealing/affixing it in place with some of that super high strength 2 part epoxy or structural adhesive? this is for my gf’s car which is a tank but definitely not worth a couple hundred bucks just to repair the ac (read: ie replacing the line in question). I already had to replace the one line (dealer item) only because it was broken right at the flange where it goes into the compressor which is a known issue on these cars so a used or boneyard part was out of the question. I’m not looking to invest a whole lot more in the car, and definitely not unnecessarily if I can just shitdick it for a couple bucks

my other thought was maybe trying to flare the ends of the split and using brake fittings and a coupler? I’m ideally trying to stay away from a compression fitting since they tend to cut into the line, especially being aluminum


Go to a junkyard and source the line that’s needed if it is a common car

edit: nvmd

This could work with the proper tools and care.

compression fittings actually function okay, don’t over tighten them b/c as you said it’s only aluminum. I’ve seen it done quite a bit to get people by where cost of a new part was more than the value of the vehicle in question.

i think i would be more inclined to try a compression on a low side line since the pressure on the high side would constantly be trying to blow the fitting apart and thus clamping in on itself eventually making the ferrules cut into the line

i dunno i might just try it anyways tho, its not like its all that important like a brake line or anything…

plus i don’t think i can double flare it since the line is a much thicker wall than brake line, and a single flare would undoubtedly just slip out

I’ve tried to double flare an aluminum line, the larger ones are less forgiving and usually split b/c it’s so brittle from being made from shit material, and it’s usually got a weld seam b/c it’s no DOM that craps out on you too.

ive seen hydraulic lines with 2000psi on them hold together with no leaks with compression fittings, but the hardline was steel I believe. I think this is still doable though

well I picked up a 1/2" comp fitting at the depot earlier, gonna give it a try tomorrow