brutal - really sorry bro
Poor guy! I wish I could find someone to pawn my fiancee off until 4am everyday! Just kidding, man that blows. I would say that is disrespectful on so many levels and even if they are just friends that disrespect would be enough to brake up over.
Girl on girl action, while hot is not how I want to live my life. Sure in high school it is cool to plow two chicks, but once you’re older you realize one is enough trouble yet alone more.
Awh, fuck it who wants a mustache ride?
jesus that sucks. sorry to hear dude. this is why i can’t see myself ever pulling the marriage trigger. you think you know someone and, whammy!, you were wrong.
i hate people.
Yah seriously.
I mean when I was single I had sex with more different girls, but I have it many many more times with my fiancee/girlfriends.
Seriously the ratio of single sex to dating sex in number of times has to average out to a ratio of at least 10,000:1
I broke up with a girl for cheating on me with my ex-gf
If they will dig on a chic, then they will dig on a dude… can’t trust a bitch
dude thats shitty. Guys need to learm wtf the no fly zone is. Married women are in teh no fly zone. Its about respect. Fucking hang him in a bag from a tree and its piniata time. Invite all your friends over and the first to make the stuffing come out wins.
Yea, and your wife kinda sucks too. sorry bro.
not bragging, but I have more sex now that I’m single vs dating my last gf. sex while dating gets old and boring…
these are words every man of every nation can agree on.
If you are currently thinking about going to take a leak, then yes I am following you around putting ideas in your head.
edit: however to be fair thats an easy one since i piss every 30 mins in the morning after all the coffee
and i’m sure they’re all great guys.
<3 you jeff :mamoru:
Ha. You’re also starting to get hungry, but that sandwich you brought just isn’t going to cut it. Better go somewhere on your lunch break.
ha ha > you lose… i have spaghetti and stuffed mushroom for lunch, and i wasn’t hungry till you mentioned it.
OMG I have spaghetti for lunch today …we should fuck now
that might get messy.
fry, lets see how far your ESP works. what am I thinking about?
lol, no.
i cant believe how many voted there are for yes… odd
i mean if its standing on a bar going hard for the whole place to see, then… okay thats redic.
but if its her friend who was also hott, then why would anyone have a problem with that. maybe you could work your way into joining them
My beer thing went off?