Cheating or Not?


^^ speeking of that how is your ass?

Def rough situation man some women are just whores and it sucks.

I was with my ex since sept of 05 we finally broke up in march of this year because of the fighting and what not. Its pretty much like we were married because we were together almost every day.I loved the girl even tho she cheated on me a few times and did some shitty stuff behind my back and lying to my face. Tried my best to work it out with her and treated her like gold but it wasn’t good enough. After all she did I still forgave her and treated her like gold and when we broke up she wanted nothing to do with working it out and has had a new bf since april/early may.Mean while I tried working something out with her even just trying to be friends for now but she wanst having it, and havent spoken to her in a month or two now.

Women are really hard to trust these days. I dont believe it when they say they cant trust us, From my point of view that is. I have never cheated on a broad in my life. But its always happend to me. Shit doesnt make sense.

Word up… I have seen some really good girls do some really shitty things.

It scares the shit out of me.

Def man people you think would/could never do that kind of stuff, it blows your mind and makes you think its a terrible dream… Idk im pretty over it. Its just weird shes seeing some other dude already and with him every day like we were.

Oh well Its alot easier for a slut to find a dick than for a good man to find a decent girl I guess.

Wow. This thread went south and got depressing super fast.

So true

Lmao… my exact thoughts. We should all just circle jerk this out. At least Double Dutch Rudders.

Not a chance in hell!!! I haven’t spoken with her in almost 2 years… after she admited to my “wife” that she slept with my brother… haven’t spoken with him much since I found out either…


Picard. One strike policy or nothing. It’s the only way.

Indeed. Sounds like Mr T was a pushover in a lot of other ways as well. Not surprising that he got walked all over…

back to the first topic… it depends on the girl’s personality and why she is doing it really…


thread save?









THIS. Continue doing THIS. Not buying her flowers and sending love notes and jewelry etc etc.

Stop being a pushover sucka.

Mine would never get a second chance one and done



If you want more than one dick/pussy, you don’t get into a relationship.

It’s not that difficult of a concept.


Some people just get greedy and want the best of both worlds. The comfort of the relationship and the ability to go out, get wild, and be a free bird.

Not saying its right, it just sucks when people think they can get away with it.