Check out the new Ford 500, errr Ford Taurus

Thought this was pretty pathetic for the display at the Buffalo Auto Show. You think they would get a sign shop to make a correction instead of tape and marker :bloated:

If you want to see other pics from the show



Cost savings… Ford is being smart :slight_smile:

It’s the Buffalo show. Most of the people there can’t read anyway, and of those that can most can’t afford a new car. So I’d say it’s a good place to cut costs.

hey, good penmanship :wink:

wow how tacky is that.

:lol: how great is that

Pfffffffft :biglol:

I wonder if the new Taurus’s will have an adhesive stain in the shape of “500” under the logo…


God I fucking hate ford, id never drive one of those lame ass cars


I didn’t take a pic of it, but it had Taurus emblems on the trunk.

i haven’t even gone to the buffalo autoshow in at least 5-7 year. Toronto or detroit are well worth the drive


It’s the Buffalo show. Most of the people there can’t read anyway, and of those that can most can’t afford a new car. So I’d say it’s a good place to cut costs.


:word: No one gives a rat’s nuts about buffalo.