Check this out

Well I came across this today, its very, ahhhhh… creative. yet kinda creepy, oh well enjoy, and yeah I think the mouth is the port


i hate it.


i hate it.


Me too actully, its kinda creepy, can you imagine getting pulled over an havin the officer search the car, oh the look on his face, Priceless.


can u “do it” with it?

needs hair…looks like a tranny the way it is and thats juts not hot

thats wild

Wow that is creepy.

It’s the old hooker in the trunk gag.

thats creepy as hell.:tdown:

wow thats creepy. would probably give ya quite the stimulation running a base tester and bangin it lol. but yea, needs hair. and to not be red in color

ROFL thats funny stuff right there

y not make her look more life like??? i mean RED… cmon

I think its a great idea and is there for the shock effect but I wouldnt want that in my trunk


I think its a fun idea, and it is likely there for the shock effect, but I wouldn’t want that in my trunk.


Fixed and X2.

I’d hit it :gotme:

if the “girl” was in a sexy pose, instead of what looks like the pain of child labor it might be cool…


can u “do it” with it?


well the port is in the mouth, so when ya turn it up, I’m sure she gives a killer blow job.
