checkin in

howdy peeps

checking in from florida here

its 3:40 am and i cant sleep

anywho, where im staying they have a cruise night (friday - imports, and dsturday - muscle) about 100 feet from where im staying.

ill post up some pics when i go

ttyl everyone

I might as well check in too since I haven’t checked in, in a while!

How’s everyone? How’s Toronto?

I’m back in Europe doing my thing. I’m happy to say things are getting better with my business venture out here. Due to the drop of the American dollar and th rising Euro dollar it has made importing American automobiles into Europe a little more attractive and profiting.

I might be back in Canada for a month sometime around summer, hopefuly I can make a Niagara meet or something.

Anyway take care all, it’s Friday night 11:25 pm here now so it should be 4:25 pm in Toronto. Take care guys and cruise safe.

Damn I miss cruising in my 240sx! I miss that more then anything. I good old cruise route North on Isligton ave all the way up to Kleinburg and then back down to Woodbridge and a cruise around Woodbridge for a good laugh at the rice. Then west on Hw7 to 427 south open her up all the way to the 409 and then I would go for a cruise around the airport area and then back on the 427 south to the QEW east to parklawn to humber bay park, drive out to the point and back out and on to the Gardiner east and into Downtown Toronto and back to my area (isligton ave. just south of Albion rd.)
I miss those mice cruises… Or sometimes just getting on to the QEW and driving out to Niagara for no reason.

Cruising through Europe is awesome too don’t get me wrong but it’s just not the same without my 240sx…and what pisses me off it that there are 4 200sx’s on my island and I have met the owners off all four and they are trying to tempt me to bring my 240sx here!

Anyway take care all and like I said before Cruise safe.