chemical weapons found in Iraq?

oh lol… ma bad

18% of 1000 is 180 not 18, don’t you have centipedes to hunt?

damn too slow

:lol: they havent been back :tup:… yet.

o/t I met a chick at micky rats that lived in raintree and she told me the same shit :eek: I couldnt get it out of my mind for the rest of the evening

yes…your party did create a surplus…by doing absolutly NOTHING! Clinton rode out the .com wave and good fortunes. He didint have a single domestic polocy and did absolutly nothing to help us, he just didint touch a good thing. So really…he didint get us out of debt.

You did NOT just say that. You voted for a guy who did the exact same thing…or did you forget that? Ofcorse the liberals NEVER twist the facts…nope. always the gods honest truth with them :bloated:

Ahh liberals…you guys just dont get it.

Politicians are all scumbags…be it republican or democrat

This is very true. I do not agree completly with Bush…but I hate how these retarded liberals just love to change to story to make the other party look worse, or else try to justify it when their party does the exact same thing…“well …we can do it…but thats us, you guys are not aloud because only we are capeable of doing it right…”

IF WE WERE ABLE TO DO THAT WELL WE WOULD WIN A LOT MORE ELECTIONS…democrats have no ability to create working sound bites…hence “boring” gore…and nuance kerry…or Joe “Long winded” Biden

John Kerry and Al-Gore should go have sex, and create a super liberal baby to take over the world.

No need. they already have Hilary.

I hope she dies

umm yeah…thats not something I would say out lud :bloated: all somebody has to do is read that and your ass is in jail. I will not say what I think on that subject…but lest say I would not cry at her funeral.

Its a public forum man, freedom of speech, etc… me=not worried

plenty of people have made similar threats

Everytime you post you come across dumber and dumber

ummm you can NOT threaten to kill someone. Its people like you that give the liberals something to bitch about. Freedom of speach means you can say you open disagree, even say you hope they die…but not that you will kill them! Are you that retarded? Look at everything that is goin on in the world, and you open threaten the life of a US senator! I hope for your sake that nobody takes you seriously. Or bubba is going to have a field day with your white ass. If I were you I would stock up on plenty of “soap on a rope”.

truth… look what happens when someone does that to the pres… they go to jail

:word: X’s 3.