chemical weapons found in Iraq?

joe, dont go giving clinton credit for reagan’s work

Total BS and you know this. Reganomics had an immediate effect on the growth rate and debt and the effect continued throughout the 80s. They did not take 12 years to kick in and then last only 8. Aside from this, balancing the budget and creating a surplus aren’t what resulted in the economic boom of the 90s. The Feds drastic policy shift did way more than a balanced budget for the US economy. There’s a reason everyone in American learned the name Greenspan in the 90s.


I thought we all agreed that the WMD reason was because the weak dick UN was getting pissed on by Saddam and they just sat there because they were afraid of him or ANY conflict for that matter.
Was it not at least 30 UN resolutions that he violated?
Enough with the WMD already.
The guy is a complete dirtbag that needed to be stopped and our “cowboy” president was the only one that actually followed up on it.
Lets not bicker and argue over the minutia or small details.

I didn’t even make this fucking thread.

And anyone who says Santorum, who is 18 points down as an incumbant, isn’t desperate has no understanding of politics

That’s fine whatever…but we haven’t found any of the WMD we went in there to find, this announcement by Santorum is meants to say we have, which is not true.

Cliton was more than ready to go into Iraq in 1998, just that Saddam gave into the inspectors the last minute…

All you have to do is look at blue states to see where your party is wrong, especially this one.

You mean the most populated states in the country with the largest spread of super rich to super poor?

They need to stop pushing these tax breaks for the rich. The rich should be taxed the most!!

Ummm, they do.

Have you ever seen the numbers?
I forget the actual numbers but it is something like the top 5% pay 80% of the taxes.
You think it should be more?

Then they get it all back with BS loopholes…

That made no sense.
Once you pay taxes you don’t get them back.

The top 5% should pay the ammount of taxes as it relates to the ammount of wealth they control. If the top 5% controls 99% of the money, they should pay 99% of the taxes.

Shit I’m all for federal sales tax as opposed to income tax. An extra 10% on Big Pimpins 20 million dollar yatch is a good day for the federal gov’t.

They tried that and all the rich people bought yachts in the Bahamas and almost destroyed the US yachting industry.

Then they should also recieve 99% of all the government services they are paying for.

Note the date to the right

"Fox News’ Jim Angle contacted the Defense Department who quickly disavowed Santorum and Hoekstra’s claims. A Defense Department official told Angle flatly that the munitions hyped by Santorum and Hoekstra are “not the WMD’s for which this country went to war.”

They do, their tax money goes to educate those who work for their companies. Their tax money goes to those who protect their investment in the US economy. The upper class cannot survive without the working class.

Yes, there are no such things as tax returns… :bloated:

Taxes should be flat level, something like 18% and its 18% of whatever you make. So if i make $1000 i pay $18, but when bill gates makes 1,000,000,000 he pays 180,000,000.

Therefore its fair…



18% of $1000 is $180… He had it as $18…