Cherry Valley Go Kart racing forum Battle.

Whichever. I’d rather see a bigger event, even if I miss it.

only jokin lol

as far as the dates go, i say the 2nd :smiley: fuck em’ haha

At the moment it looks to be the 9th.

fuck you


Might be in for the 9th… Haz to check schedule. Very much out for the 2nd.

pick a fucking date so i can decide whether or not to come out of my hiding place.

go away swifty

Eh 9th is out. Regrouping time.




u goin to chad? jesus christ i cant wait

No I’m not fucking going you dick. WHY DON’T YOU RUB IT IN SOME MORE!?

I live 1k miles away you dolt. I don’t want to make you cry when I beat you anyways. You just had a faster kart at gpny.

So yeah, Im good for the 2nd. Whats going to happen :ohnoes

If there is enough of us who want to go on the 9th why couldn’t we do both?

Besides the fact that there is a 70% drop out rate on shift. LoL

It seems that scca had a hostile take over on the 9th, 2nd and many other Sundays. Talking with the owner to find a good day to fit both of our groups in (us and nyspeed)

Yep, this place seems to be booked up quite well :frowning:

family issues came up, I’m gonna have to drop out of this.

So it begins.