
I’ll be in Chicago for two days; What do I need to see?

I’ve been there a few times in the past 2 years. Check out the “Loop” area downtown, it’s weird and cool and historic. Check out the tourist area downtown around the Hard Rock Cafe and the big Portillo’s. Tons of bars and restaurants ect. Navy Pier is like downtown Chicago’s super tourist area but it’s pretty cool to check out I guess, especially if you’ve got a date or something. Gotta go up to the top of the Sears Tower, or the other big skyscraper with observation deck (they call it “the cock” or something). Wrigley Field is a piece of shit but it’s still pretty cool and there’s lots of bars/partying going on around it.

Stay away from the south side of town. Downtown is really safe and cool but if you venture south you can get fucked up. There are no suburbs south of Chicago, it’s like 25 miles of straight ghetto. North Chicago is pretty safe, more suburban/business like. I’ve only been west of the city a few times and it seemed really boring.

Specific restaurants you should eat at include any Portillo’s for either a Chicago hot dog or a big ass burger. Bob Chinn’s seafood place in the northern suburbs is amazing, words can’t really describe it. It’s the fifth highest grossing restaurant in the world or something. Last time I was there I ate at some place called “Wildfire” also in the northern suburbs, best filet I’ve ever had. Cafe Lucci is on the North Shore and is an awesome Italian restaurant, someone told me Al Capone used to eat there or something.

take note on the lack of pigeons in chinatown there

pizza joint downtown in a huge building below those tracks somewhere… and order a chicago style!

If you’re on company dime, check out Japonais downtown. Food is good; bar is better. Hot chicks everywhere. And anyone famous in Chicago will probably be there.
Last time we sat across from Jennifer Anniston and Oprah, and half the Bears where at a table on the other side.
Ain’t cheap, though.


I spend a good bit of time in chi town with work. One of my favorite places to eat is weber grill. Delicious and the portions are huge! Chicago pizza is terrible imo. Sears tower is cool. My office is right beside it.

i just looked up the weber grill; have you had the ribs? i’m thinking that’s day one dinner.