Chilling 911 call from family in car with stuck accelerator

I feel sorry that the whole family had to die, it’s tragic.
But they died for no reason… what was the reason they couldn’t put the car in neutral, or check the gas pedal to see why it was stuck? (Trying to pull the gas pedal up with the foot would have probably given them some clue why it was stuck)
Probably because they didn’t know shit about cars + panic = horrible accident

I always try to teach close friends and family members about some basic things about cars… basically anything I can think of that they would encounter with cars (changing oil, tires, tire pressure, basic car operations etc… you would be surprised how little most people know)
People like mine/your parents don’t have time nor do they know much about cars in general.
I had to explain to my mom why the brake pedal was pulsating when the abs kicked in while driving… she thought the damn car was broken and wanted to take it to the service!

there where no curbs and it was a pretty open area maybe they where trying to save lives by not hitting other cars or crashing on the side of the road as they where probably trying to fix the issue as they said it had to have the push start button held for 3seconds before the engine would cut out and maybe the tranny had some glitch iether way freak accident

Sh*t happens, Its sad and i RIP for them. BUTTTTTT i mean if you have enough time to call 911 you could have easily fixed your problem. People panic in situations like this but there is no reason to. Simply put in N and then hit the brakes. The guy was probably worried about hurting the car because it would jump off the rev limiter.

Still its sad but it happens

this happened to me once in an automatic.

put it in neutral.

It’s horrifying that these people died and I give my sympathy to their families…

but seriously, no offense, how retarded were these people?

I would have known what to do when I was 10 years old, let alone a full grown adult.




neutral , slowly ebrake , brakes, turning ignition off,
4 easy things that would entered my mind right away when it happened to me
must be plain stupid to not automatically do whats needed to stop a run-away car that your in the driver seat of

Final Destination anyone!!

obviously you’ve never been in an accident, everything happens quite quickly dude.
(they did have enough time to make a call that being said).

ohh fcuk

Yeah…like I said…when it happens quickly…your mind starts thinking about other things and you might panic.

It’s a lot easier to say what you would do on the internet.

But I agree…wtf is up with having the time to call 911 and have a conversation.

I’ve been in accidents and had accelerator pedals get stuck.

That being said, the accidents were not my fault as the police reports show and the time the pedal got stuck i knocked it into neutral and killed the ignition.

lol “neutral” they teach this in drivers ed.

You guys are both being silly,
Im sorry but if my car has the pedal on the floor and im going from 0-260 then im not going for my phone and neither are you

There are just too many stupid, or/and unaware drivers out there

Thank you very much for the lesson. I knew that I can do this in better way.

ugh, sucks they died seriously. they def didnt deserve that ending. problem could have been seriously solved.

anyways rip.

Also another reason all this technology in vehicles these days is garbage. a good old fashioned keyed ignition would have shut the car off, stupid buttons.

pretty stupid people IMO

how bout turn the engine off to start…the brakes should always be able to overpower the cars engine…or how about nuetral gear?

I had this happen once while I was riding my Rz350 sport bike…throttle got stuck wide open…I just reached down and turned the key off…then coasted to the side of the road…no biggi

I mean hell…you call 911? for help? seems pretty stupid to me

Too many things to say. A tragedy for sure and I’m very sorry for them but there was too little common sense in this situation. When you panic you don’t think right but there’s a difference between a different situation and something like this.

If you can’t control the throttle, put it in neutral or anything but drive (fuck, try reverse if it goes). If that doesn’t work, the e-brake is there. All that fails? Cut the ignition (maybe even do this before some of the others).

I found out how this happened, turns out it had nothing to do with “technology”

check this out:

September 15th 2009, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

"Torrance-based Toyota Motor Sales USA announced Monday that dealers must make sure all Lexus and Toyota vehicles have the proper mats.

California Highway Patrol Officer Mark Saylor, his wife, 13-year-old daughter and an in-law died Aug. 28 when a Lexus ES 350 loaned by a local dealer crashed.

Witnesses say the car was doing more than 120 mph when it went off an embankment. The family’s screams were heard in a 911 call.

A preliminary investigation found that their loaner car had a mat from another Lexus model that may have caused the accelerator to get stuck."


Not smart enough to take the car out of gear or turn it off… it wasn’t THAT much of a loss then really.

Its too bad about the passangers though. :frowning: RIP