Chinese Want To Buy the Big 3 Automakers

true walmart’s not doing so bad :rofl: Yes they make shitty cars like suzuki and such but they still arent struggeling for $$$

I am just glad AWDrifter is gone, I was sick of hearing him bitch about China taking over the world.:wink:

Didn’t your company recently lose one of it’s biggest clients to the slanty eyes?


Actually we just got one back from China, if that’s what you mean by slanty eyes.

Guys please keep the racial comments to a minimum. I know most of the time its in good fun, just keep it civil.

ok, back to the madness.

That is why I responded the way I did. I have never called them slanty eyes in all my rants. I don’t care what their eyes look like.:slight_smile:

The US will bail them out by purchasing stock and then pay some debt to China by giving them the stock.

Haha, wasnt worried bout you. Was being more proactive than anything, as I could see the potential was there for others.

my bad. But it’s ok, I have Asian friends. :stuck_out_tongue:

arent you canadian? Do you even count?

uhh, suzuki is japanese…

In 2000, Automotive News named Suzuki the fastest-growing Japanese auto company in America

Yea, once foreign companies own our nations largest industry we are screwed big time.

yea it sucks but its kind of our own faults. Theyve been in trouble for years and haven’t done a whole lot to correct it either.

It makes sense for china to buy them out. That’s part of what capitalism is. Am I comfortable with it. Not 100% but i have yet to buy an american car anyway.

let’s sell them buick…

or oldsmobile.

Lol. I think that means I count for more at this point. Don’t be jealous.

you’re prolly right.

No dont let them buy any american company’s out, it will be like Sadi Arabia with oil, they’ll have Gold Civics and shit rollin around all rich familys and all of us will be paying for lead painted shit ball cars!