chino's disasterous sti paint! 56k diaf

noobs have as much right to call someone on their opinions. :stuck_out_tongue:

If I were you, i would’ve went with:

You are aware that there are countless midlevel sub compact subarus around this area right? Why should the OG care about it? Its just a DD, not like its an antique ferrari, or ducati. At least the OG actually drives his “fun” car.


Jun 2005 > Jul 2005.

JK buddy, i know what you are saying, it’s just perturbing to see mouthy noobs :meh2:

I can see where DBR is coming from, he has a MINT .:r32 and he just seen that sti that was in need of a GOOD detail.
I mean, even the thread starter commented on how bad the paint was.
No offence chino, atleast you did the right thing.

A dirty rally car? Say it ain’t so!

lol… it really doesn’t matter, its done, i don’t care if people feel that i neglect my car.

if they’re so concerned they can come detail it for me and/or make the monthly payments.