Chip Fan Warning

Working on my computer like always and my comp shuts down then, when it boots back up this shows up:

so i though maybe a fan wasnt working, i took off the cover and started it up, and this is the only fan not running, ever…

I went into the BIOS and all the fans are running at the corrrect speeds (that i can tell) and the temps look good, i disabled the warning and the comp boots up.

should i be worried??

if it shuts down again, should i get a new fan, and is it the CPU fan?

if it shuts down again, it will be because you overheated or melted a chip :slight_smile:

Well, that’s clearly the “chip fan,” as labeled on the connector. You may consider replacing that fan for less than $15, rather than the whole motherboard for $100 or more.

get the cooler fan… you have room. It looks like a big radiator for your CPU

That’s not his CPU.

thats the chipset fan and you def need that to be on. I would go pick one up at compusa or it will cost you more money in the long run.

Definitely don’t run that northbridge without proper cooling. I’d shut down right now, as I’ve never heard of thermal overload protection on the chipset, only the CPU. Contact the mobo manufacturer and tell them your chipset fan died and you want a replacement, or just grap a new chipset fan from CompUSA, or just get one of these and don’t worry about the fan ever again

Just make sure you use good thermal paste if you remove/replace the heatsink with a bigger one.

werds, its the chipset not the cpu, however still needs a fan, replace it, fans are cheap, new mobos are not :stuck_out_tongue:


I had to look at it twice… he really had it zoomed in/.

with tiny chipset fans like that i’ve had them slow down quite a bit because they are caked with dust.Another thing to watch for is that its making proper contact with the chip.If hsf is getting really warm i’d worry about it,i’d also crank the fan speed up until you get a new one.

I had a similar warning but it was about my CPU fan… says… CPU Fan Fail … but, when I look in the case both fans run… ( both fans because I have dual Xeons )

When I play games I can hear both fans increase in speed as well. So I’m not sure what mine is.

Yeah definatly replace that fan it will lead to some stability issues when you start to put a load on it

ya its the fan alright, i can hardly move it with my hand, I hooked up one I bought from compusa (just the power), and it works, my only problem now is, for the life of me i cant figure out how to take off the old one and put on the new one. any help? i cant figure out how these spring things work.

You might have to remove it from the bottom of the MB, those clips look like they are in from the bottom, usually a pair of needle nose works to compress the end and slide it through the hole.

wait, i gota take off the MB to take off the fan??

i have the same board as you and I get that bios warning everytime i boot up - luckily, my machine hasn’t reset on me yet (its pretty much on 24 hours)

according to the ASUS website forums, this is a common issue with this board. i’m pretty sure if you search their site, they’ll be able to give you more insight on how to install a replacement fan. GL and post your results… (i have a feeling i’m going to need to do this soon too)

looks that way, i know it sucks ass

cant i just pull out those pins? my new fan came with new pins to push through the holes, so if i use alittle force they should just pop out right?

and this is a known problem for this MB

im also readingthat you can just replace the fan with a big heatsink, though i already have a fan.

yeah u can pull those pins out, just be carefull

that worked lol

but the fan i bought does not fit
