Chip Fan Warning

despite my system throwing out a warning about low chip fan speed, my system hasnt reset yet - but that may be due to the fact that I have one 80 mm intake in the front of my case (a coolermaster centurion with a full mesh front face), one 80 mm out back, 2 fans in my thermaltake PS, and an 80 mm out the side. In other words, my system has sick airflow…

the chip fan may not be a huge issue if you’ve got good airflow in your case as well…

i called ASUS and they are sending me a chip fan for free once i can give them a Serial Number (which i cant find cuase i threw out the box) so ya once i find it on the board and give em it, they will send me a new one for free.

whoa - when you have a chance, it would be appreciated if you post that phone number here…

back in the day a chip fan wouldent be needed, but now adays with the northbridge getting so hot, its almost a neccessety to have some sort of fan, or at least a heatsink on there.

my saga continues

i put in a RMA for the chipset fan, the guy on the phone said they would send one out, now i get an email saying to return my whole mobo?? WTF now im gona be without a computer for like ever, fuckers.

no fucking way. thats ghey.

i always thought asus had good support - WTF.

they should bare min send u a replacement fan and maybe an rma/call tag on the defective chipfan. if they were willing to stand behind their product, they would send you a new board and rma/call tag yours with a bad fan.

thanks for continuing to update on the situation…

If you want i can put a fan on it for you, im sure compusa has them, i wouldent even bother sending that back to them for the troubles its going to cause you.

i went to compusa, and no fan they have fits.

ASUS hooked me up…

have them send you a MOBO and when you get it you will send them yours in their box.

BTW - “Originally Posted by toda party
No one, even our own beloved EMX has any real idea WTF went on w/ the whole Howie banning situation anyway. I think the only 3 people that REALLY know what happened are Me, Howie, and Huk. Thanks to idiot EMX taking mods only screen shots and showing everyone, people formed their own opinions from an INCOMPLETE thread and an AIM convo”


:tup: That was sweet.


sweeeeet , i called and bitched and they are gona just send me a fan, so i dont have to send in my mobo

  1. They send him a MOBO… when he gets the new one he can send his back.

  2. His sig was sweet… the screenshots were awesome

they were indeed

and its over, hopefully, ASUS sent me a new fan, though it mounts really crazy, like off center, but whatever. so we will see.