Choice of smokes

So i know there are plenty of us who smoke cigs here, so just out of curiosity whats everybodys brand/blend of choice.
Im strictly a Marb Red kinda guy, with the ocasional marb 27 pack thrown in there

I’m going to neg the first person that says they actually smoke Swisher Sweets

+1 :ahh


nicotine patchs in the vaporizer ftw

skoal straight/apple/wintergreen and cope straight/wintergreen

Before I quit Camel Lights always brought me to flavor country.

kool , or newporrts

cigs: marb mentol smoothes or reg menthols…cigars: cubans



should have included that in my list

marb 27’s every now n then ftw.

I’ve never smoked but god damn how can you guys afford that crap? I usually grab 2 cartons a week for a coworker in Vermont and it’s still $104 for 2 cartons of sonoma or wtfever it is he smokes. Said it saves him almost $25-30 a carton vs NY

Have been smoking Marb Reds since I was 13-14

Always stuck to those really, i’d smoke something else here and there though. Recetnely before I decided to quit again I was smoking Newport Reds (they were new and only 8 bucks a pack, and they taste really good IMO) Then they came out with the new Marb Special blends (black pack with a red stripe) those are very good.

As of now I am officially smoke free since Monday. I am vapeing thou :lol Started smoking my E-cigs again on monday and has been very succesfull for me yet again, I quit 2 years ago for almost 6 months smoking only E-cigs, but when I ran out of supplys I just kind of gave up on it. Well a lots changed and things are much better now so I think im going to be in it for the long haul. I am loving it, im already sleeping better and waking up less groggy. If any of you are interested let me know, I’d be mroe than happy to help you in the right direction.

The inital cost if you go crazy may seem a bit expensive, but its no more than what you’d spend a week on smokes, and once you find what works best for you, you can stock up and then it becomes almost half if not a quarter of the cost of what smoking “analogs” is.

The do require a little upkeep, so its not as easy as walking in grabbing smokes but to be honest… I REALLY enjoy vapeing, it tastes great, its something differant all the time and its just very relaxing, and aside from the nicotine, your not putting ANYTHING harmfull in your body.

It is a bit of a learning curve as their are tons of differant options and ways to go about it, and may take you a few days, maybe a couple weeks to get into it and quit analogs as although its liek smoking, you can feel it etc you may be reluctant to quit immediately. Only reason I was able to just drop analogs when I got it is because I’ve done it before, I now have a stale pack sitting in my car I havent touched since sunday.

DO NOT EVER buy the ones in malls/stores… they are rebranded shittier sometimes proprietary versions of the ones you get from reputable vendors online and 3-4x the price

I make my own for about a buck a pack. I use farmers gold tobacco and twister air tubes.


old #2 , or a B5 blend.

tell me your dad smokes marihuana too :rofl

I was smoking crack but I switched to Crack light
