So I smoked a cig tonight

And after one drag, I gotta say

damn, you guys who smoke got it rough

It is SOOOOOOOO fucking addictive!!!

and by addictive, I mean, it tastes like shit

One drag = the worst feeling of my life

the buzz = nothing

the taste = about as cool as finding out I have AIDS

wtf is wrong with you people

I should have listened to the surgeon general…

you’re not supposed to inhale a cigar, dude :slight_smile:

i can’t get into them either. uh, they don’t really match my personality, either - nor do i like smelling like a dead animal afterwards

interesting cliffs on cigar shit

what were you drinking and how drunk were you?

that’ll ahe a lot to do with it … also has a bit to do with how addictive your personality is

dont make a habit out of it… biggest regret of my life. (it grows on ya, trust us)

I hate smoking, but I also love it

def gets addicting

tisk tisk!!

Smoking is bad bad bad!

enterdavechappelleThat shit is gross!enddavechappelle



nothing like a good cigar to send you ineto a relaxed state of enlightenment :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

im not talking to you tonight

I thought he was talking about cigarettes

I hate cigarettes but I do enjoy a fine cigar from time to time

cigarettes = garbage cigars = good…nothing like a good cohiba or fuente

True. But there’s nothing like 2 or 3 of them at the nudies to make you sick as a dog. Uggh, it’ll be a while before I can enjoy one again…

lol. depends on what kind you get and how fast you smoke them. I generally hate smoking, but cigars have been growing on me. I love em. what I hate is the tast they leave in your mouth 20 min later…kinda like hookers lol.

you have to smoke for awhile before they actually taste good… I quit about a year ago and ive smoked here and there between now and then but I didnt enjoy it like i use to.

You have AIDS?


i love my ciggies, but i want to quit so bad. :tdown: to cigs

that is why you have to drink Sam Adams at 9:30am.