Chris Kyle killed at shooting range

If the guy was a murderer and maybe had issues before he served then sure.

However if he would have never done it before, but came back “damaged” and just snapped because he never assimilated, it’s hard to point a blame on a guy who simply wanted to serve out country, just to come back and be forgotten about.

There is a reason why people can get off on murder due to mental issues. It isn’t considered “their fault”.

If you take a bulldog and train him to dog fight for a few years and after give him to a family with a little kid. Bulldog snaps and rips the little kid to shreads. Sure bulldog did it, but you’re saying you aren’t responsible for conditioning the dog into a monster? At the same time not responsible for making the decision that it’s okay to give him back to society?

Can’t say I agree. Dog didn’t know any better. Did what it was told and was “broken” in the end.