Chris Kyle killed at shooting range

lol good catch. it was a figure of speech more than a belief.

I dont care if he was the pope, Ron Jeremy, Ricky Carmichael, Dennis Anderson or some other super awesome badass dude. Your status in society DOES NOT give anyone more or less a right o murder people! Hell, being a vet, I hope to fuck he is striped of any metal he was given for these actions. It takes a million good jobs to try and clear up one major fuck up.

And again, I honestly could care less if he snapped, what caused the snap, and am an advocate for responsibility over “metal illness” Its still your body, no matter how much or how little control you may have its still your responsibility to stay clear of hazards. The LAST place I would go if i was in an veteran PTSD shoes would be a fucking shooting range!

I wouldnt say hes backing the killer, hes just expressing an opinion and keeping his eyes open to the “full story”.

Me too, I am sick of excuses too. Honestly one out of 5 people I can see around me has the balls and self respect to admit wrong doing. I have been lied of by people saying “I reset my password, its your system that wont let me in”… while I am looking at the fucking ID in active directory and can see it has not been modified/changed. All the way up to illegal activities, gross moral missdoings, and everything else. Its a disgusting world we live in now with that respect.